The solution is to call for a return to the gold standard for money. This would give money a real and meaningful value in relation to real economic activity. Without the gold standard, the bankers are able to print money for themselves, and this leads to rampant inflation, rampant house price inflation, and a massive detachment between what people are able to earn through jobs that deliver real economic value, and what they have to pay for basic living requirements, i.e. a space in the country to exist in. It it the debasement of money that gives the bankers a massive advantage over the rest of the population, and allows the financial sector to become grossly oversized and too powerful. The UK economy has become over financialised.
Bring back the gold standard - or a Bitcoin standard. This alone would return a functional housing market.
The reason "it's all really expensive" is because it is able to become artificially high through the bankers printing money from thin air, and the rest of the population has no option but to pony up for somewhere to live. The reason it's dysfunctional is because money itself, the medium of exchange, is easily manipulated by the banking sector. Going back to using gold coins would work better ... the sooner more people, particularly young people, understand this the better.