Absolutely. There has been far too much focus on measures to essentially help people to borrow more and keep the housing market inflated.
- House prices are tied to people’s income
- Blame estate agents for stupid house prices
- Renting has its advantages, I would prefer to rent
- Buying a house should be an aspiration not a given right
- Blame the “right to buy” and people that play the system for the lack of social housing.
I saw a report the other week that shows that the average house price, on average rouse with the average medium salary. Some year it was slightly higher, some years it was slightly less but over a period, IIRC since the “correction” in 2008.. it’s simply rouse as much as people can “afford”, as house prices is tired to how much people can borrow.
Unless mortgage lenders change their policy on the amount that can be borrowed, maybe younger well educated would be house owners should be allowed to borrow more? As they have a greater chance of greater than average pay raises or career paths, then this is unlikely to change.
The idea of “affordable” housing is a myth… all houses that sell are affordable.. I may not be able to afford it but no one runs and stays in a business producing a product and it simply not selling.
The issue occurs when people overestimate or simply lie on their application forms to borrow more money than it is sensible or a twist of fate places then in a situation when they can’t manage like losing their well paid job and not able to get a similar paying position or trusting that they are a two income family but one person leaves or losses their job.
From my own limited experience in dealing with estate agents, some (not all) give a false impressions on how much a house is worth, they (some, not all) value a property on all the possible future positives and not the value of the property today as it stands to give a higher price than it’s actually worth.
Me: “the valuation of the house has come back as 10k less than I offered, I want to drop the offer by that amount..”
Estate agents: “we value the property much higher than that, are you not able to pay the difference?”
Me: “sorry, my bank has sent an independent inspector to the property, who I assume knows the area and they have come back with that value… I’m not prepared to make up the difference and over pay for the property”.
Estate agents: “oh.. but you already paid for the inspection and it’s only 10k difference…”
Me: “ermmm the cost of the inspection is a hell lot less than 10k plus interest rates.. unless there’s a cash buyer, any lender will likely send the same person to value the property and come back with the same value and even if there’s a cash buyer, I suspect that they would want to pay the value of the property if not less than to over pay for it?l
I have made more than fair offers on properties in the past only for them to smear at the offer, one place was on the market for 250k and no one was interested.. as it didn’t sell for that price. The price was dropped to offers above 200k and I made what I believe was a fair offer of 220k for the estate agents to turn it down before even speaking to the seller.
Estate agents: “no… simply 220 is not enough..”
Me: “Errmm.. what’s the house on the market for?”
EA: “offers above 200”
Me: “is 220 not above 200? What does the seller think?”
EA: “errmm… we know they won’t accept it as they turned down the same offer a few weeks ago.. and has accepted better offers!”
Me: “oh the house is no longer on the market then? As an offer has been accepted?”
EA: “no.. that buyer pulled out as they couldn’t secure the amount offered”
Me: “ok… my offer is on the table till the end of the week.. it’s up to you if you want to tell seller or not… thanks for your time.”
The asking price of the house dropped to 180k and I think it eventually sold for 175k. Lol
Some estate again, not all… really overplay their role in the whole house buying game to try and push up the prices and maximise their percentage.
Apparently in Manchester, it’s common for them to see and a store buyers bank details and amounts…
EA: “we need a copy of your bank accounts to see if you can afford it..”
Me: “sorry, I send over my mortgage in principle again..”
EA: “we have that, but we still need copies of your accounts”
Me: “are you leading me the money for the mortgage?”
EA: “no….”
Me: “then why do you need to see my accounts details? You have my mortgage in principle.. you can see that my mortgage lender has agreed to lend me well over the amount that I’m offering, therefore I can afford it.. would it help if my accountant confirms this with a letter?”
EA: “no…it’s our company practice to vet all offers before passing it on to the seller and we can only do this when we have seen your account details..”
Me: “ok… I can come down in person to show you my account details but it’s my practice not to send copies of my personal details to anyone that I don’t know.. it’s not exactly that you work for a global or even national company is it.. so I can either show you in person or you can send me your company’s insurance guarantee details against data lost, then I will send you my bank details.”
EA: “ermmm we don’t have one”
Me: “so exactly how are you planning to store my personal details safely?”
So in my point of view, estate agents are to blame for inflation house prices by giving sellers false hopes in their house values and trying to get as much as possible from buyers, rather than just trying to get the going rate.
But some people are just dealt bad hands… born in a low income family, poor education limiting their job and income prospects, not able or willing to “put in work” to increase their fortunes and for them house ownership is an impossible dream. Is it landlords fault that they can afford multiple houses? No they just playing the hand that they have..
I was luckily enough to have family members help me get on the property ladder, but it would be a dream to live in a property that is well maintained and that only cost the going rate.. I rented for most of my adult life and only purchased a house as I was pretty much nagged into it, I reached the age when it was now or never and thought I was settled enough to buy a house. Buying a house should be an aspiration, not just in terms of finances but mindset and life in general.. no point in having a house if you go out every night, like I used to.. you might as well just wake up in your parents house with a hangover.
There are advantages of renting, one millionaire; the author of I teach you how to be rich, swear bind to it…
Seen a job you like in another part of the country/world… move
Don’t like the neighbours.. move
Have less money due to less income or investment opportunities.. move
Need a bigger place.. move
Hate the garden.. move
All this is possible as a house owner, but unless your mega rich, it’s just so much easier renting… if I was mega rich I’ll be renting… just 5 star hotel rooms in different parts of the world rather than buying a place, but even now; if given the choice between renting and buying, I would opt to rent.. for me it’s far less stressful, but then again I paid the letting agents enough to keep it stress free.
Renting would be super stress free if it was controlled by a government agency, like the local council where it’s easier to govern and monitor for standards but the “right to buy” has removed a vast majority of the social houses of the past. It was common for a standard income earner to be living in a council house only a few decades ago.. growing up in a council estate in the 80s all my neighbours had standard job; bus driver, car sales men, builder and they all lived in a council house, now they are expected to own their houses or privately rent.. social housing has a bad reputation.
What limited good social housing is even more limited by some people who play the system, near me there’s a father who lives with his adult son, his daughter lives in a house across the road, his other son lives in an apartment down the road.. none of them work apart from one who I think does casual labour by the times he keep.. yet we are paying for them to live in three different houses, while my friend’s husband’s family.. all three of them in that house work part time jobs just to afford to keep the roof over their heads.
There was a rumour that we was getting more houses in the village.. personally I want them to be private houses to bring more money into the village, but people was demanding them to be social housing. One man.. jumped on the local councillor and demanded three of the houses, one each for his kids… no reason given why they should have them, it just seems like it was his god given right.. I may be wrong and they could be all working and simply can’t afford to rent, thou my nephews couldn’t afford to rent by themselves so they rented together. But the impression that I got was that they didn’t and they just wanted the luxury of having a place of their own and use more of the limited social housing budget to fund that luxury.