The last game you completed, and rating (Console Edition)

Borderlands 2 - 9/10

I was trying to go for the platinum but it looks like you have to kill 750 baddies with the shotgun up close and 750 baddies with the rocket launcher. Which will be an absolute chore so sod that.
Life is strange True colours. 8/10. Guessed the ending pretty much at the beginning but really enjoyed the game although I do like this type of game. Some great music too.
Death Stranding Directors cut - Loved it.

It looks stunning and the story (in my eyes) is wacky but incredible.

Although I opted to use the trike most of the time to skip all the walking it didn't really feel boring or tedious at any point in the 42 hour play through.
Nearly completed the Battlefield 1 War Stories campaign last night, until I gave up right at the end. Couldn't destroy that stupid armoured train no matter what I tried. Rage quit and uninstalled, good riddance.
Mass Effect (PS3)
Thoroughly enjoyable, although it is definitely a janky port.
Playing through some older stuff and figured I better actually finish this game.
Started a new game as had forgotten nearly everything.
Can't believe I didn't get into this when I bought years back. Excellent storyline, and graphics are still tolerable.

8/10 due to it being the PS3 version. There were just some awful loading times, and some weird glitches along the way.
Pretty sure everyone would be playing the legendary edition going forward.
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Nearly completed the Battlefield 1 War Stories campaign last night, until I gave up right at the end. Couldn't destroy that stupid armoured train no matter what I tried. Rage quit and uninstalled, good riddance.

Thread title doesn't say games you nearly completed :P

Life's too short though, if you aren't enjoying something then you did the right thing.
The Last Guardian. 8/10

Great game with a lovely feel and story.

I was a big fan of Ico back in the day so this was a nice change of pace and style for me and I had some nostalgia given TLG had a similar feel.

However, there’s some shonky controls and camera movement and what feels like far too much time spent waiting for Trico to get the message and jump somewhere.

Still an enjoyable game.

Right, shadow of the colossus next………

I did get the platinum for Borderlands 2 after all. I nearly had a heart attack fighting Terramorphous as so much adrenaline was coursing through my body. I nearly came a cropper several times but managed a second wind kill each time - just about.
Ratchet and Clank (PS4)
I'd never played any of the Ratchet and Clank games. Didn't even know this was a remake until I watched a video afterwards...
Fun game though. Enjoyed the different weapons, and thought the gameplay felt good. Graphics still looked great to my eyes. :D
I'm not sure I will go through challenge mode, now that it's unlocked.
I really didn't like the last boss in this. Maybe I was playing it wrong but I kept running out of ammo for nearly everything, having to use some of the worse weapons which I hadn't upgraded.

I guess I'd give it a 7/10.
Halo Infinite 7/10.

It's a huge improvement over 4 and 5....the combat is fantastic, especially with the grapple upgraded. A good challenge at times.

The whole 'story' is an absolute yawnfest though, I just don't care about Cortana the way 343 want you to. Chief is the John Major of protagonists.

I'd enjoy an ODST-style spin-off with the pilot guy though.

Definitely worth playing. I'll definitely go back and clean up the map as the running around shooting stuff is great.
Halo Infinite 7/10.

It's a huge improvement over 4 and 5....the combat is fantastic, especially with the grapple upgraded. A good challenge at times.

The whole 'story' is an absolute yawnfest though, I just don't care about Cortana the way 343 want you to. Chief is the John Major of protagonists.

I'd enjoy an ODST-style spin-off with the pilot guy though.

Definitely worth playing. I'll definitely go back and clean up the map as the running around shooting stuff is great.

An ODST squad based coop/battle royal mode is rumored to be in development for halo.
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