The last game you completed, and rating (Console Edition)

Picked up the Lego Marvel Superheroes1, 2 and Avengers bundle for £5 recently. (Yay for a Brazil VPN...)

Just finished Lego Avengers. Overall, it's a Lego game. If you've played one of them, then you know what's coming. Nothing particularly different about it other than the characters really. Puzzles are around the same level as all the other Lego games. But, I really enjoy them. Brain off and away you go. I still prefer the early Lego Star Wars and Batman games where they didn't use any dialogue, it was all visual comedy.

I'm not so keen on the open areas with the gold bricks and characters and other events in them. Again, I prefered the earlier games where it was all contained in the levels. But it's fine. The radar helps find everything easily.

7/10 really.
Finally got round to playing pokémon ultra saphire. Emerald was the first pokémon game I completed.

I didn't bother completing the pokedex as I couldn't get version exclusives easily, so I'm counting beating the champion as completion.

I didn't like how they gutted the 7th gym leader. I also much preferred how the story ran in Emerald, this version felt cut down (which it was).

Overall I would give it a 7/10, a good pokemon game but inferior to emerald imo
Zombie Army 4 - you know what you are getting with these games and yet it never became repetitive!

Enjoyed this romp and finished within 2 days - 7/10.
Observation - 7/10

I got half way through this about a week ago and got bored. But today, armed with a trophy guide, I redid it and I didn't really feel like I missed out by not solving some puzzles myself as the game seemed to drag when doing this (getting lost, finding codes, etc.) but with the guide it felt perfectly paced and I enjoyed it more.
Really rattling through my back log lately.

The Walking Dead - The New Frontier - 8/10

It was great playing a different character and it was as good as the previous entries. What a shame that I won't be able to continue the story on Xbox Game Pass though. The Final Season is missing. So I went ahead and bought the Definitive Edition on Steam instead. :p
Final Fantasy 7 Remake

Loved It all 10/10 :)

Just finished this yesterday. Being a FF fan I was not disappointed. Story is awesome as always.
However I would give it a 9/10 as I found the materia system did not feel like it was as integral as it could have been/ compared to the original.
The Wolf Among Us - 7/10

Quite a gripping story but I still don't fully understand it, will probably need a second playthrough.
Titanfall 2 - XSX
Rating - 8/10

What a superb game, really enjoyed this. Visually superb and immersive sound and atmosphere.
Dragon Age: Origins (PS3) - 8/10.

Bloody brilliant. I have played it once many moons ago but forgotten just how great this game is. I would have given it 9/10 but I docked a point for the technical side, oh boy. The game runs like a slideshow frequently on PS3. Whenever I summoned my ranger creatures, the whole game would freeze for a second. I actually found it quite hilarious and it makes you appreciate how far we've come with the consoles that this scenario is exceedingly rare.
Spiritfarer. Relaxing but very sad game. This one will probably stay with me forever, probably the saddest game I've played. 8/10 due to how slow it was at the start until you get some upgrades.
Spiritfarer. Relaxing but very sad game. This one will probably stay with me forever, probably the saddest game I've played. 8/10 due to how slow it was at the start until you get some upgrades.
Is it sadder than when the big barn doors open in Red Dead 1? :(
Luigi's Mansion 3 (Switch) - 8/10
First time I've played a Luigi's Mansion game so I had no idea what to expect. But it was (mostly) an extremely enjoyable game. I like how the game keeps thinking of new things for you to do and new enemies to fight. The graphics were excellent as well. My only really gripe was that the controls made the game frustrating at time; one boss in particular had me nearly smashing up my controller.
Ghost of Tsushima - 8/10

Great game to play, but it did feel a bit repetitive towards the end. Getting the platinum trophy also wasn't to difficult.
Outer worlds - XSX FPS Boost version

Really enjoyed it, and glad it didn't drag on too long, but it was a little shallow / the world didn't feel all too deep to get really sucked in.
Dragon Age II (PS3) - 6/10

Not as good as Origins but a better performing port so no real technical issues apart from slow loading times - as a test I played the game on Xbox Series S and it was miles quicker. The game itself was not bad at all, a bit repetitive with having only a few locations that you kept revisiting but the quests and characters were decent enough. The combat was fantastic, I had a mage with all sorts of effects simultaneously. It did make me feel powerful. :D

Finally I get to the best of the trilogy now with Inquisition and can fire up my PS4 - my god do you realise how good rest mode is! (Xbox's Quick Resume is just the DB's.)
Dragon Age II (PS3) - 6/10

Not as good as Origins but a better performing port so no real technical issues apart from slow loading times - as a test I played the game on Xbox Series S and it was miles quicker. The game itself was not bad at all, a bit repetitive with having only a few locations that you kept revisiting but the quests and characters were decent enough. The combat was fantastic, I had a mage with all sorts of effects simultaneously. It did make me feel powerful. :D

Finally I get to the best of the trilogy now with Inquisition and can fire up my PS4 - my god do you realise how good rest mode is! (Xbox's Quick Resume is just the DB's.)
I'm surprised that you're not just playing them all on the Series via Game Pass, with the resolution, framerate, filtering, and loading boosts.
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