The last game you completed, and rating.

Half-Life 1


Best FPS of all time, what more is there to be said? :p

Actually completed this a few weeks ago but I never complete games often :D
Battlefield-Bad Company 2


Really enjoyed the Single player.

Its very rare i actually complete any games these days,I find with games as of lately they lack decent story lines and game play.
Games Devs are putting in too much effort into making it look pretty instead.
Max Payne. 8/10. Great graphics, dialogue sometimes brilliant fun.
Mirrors edge. 7/10. Having to get the exact right button combo and move to get through a level got a bit tedious.
Skyrim on PC (completed in as much as I have spent a little over 300hrs on it on a single play through and completed the main story as well).

9/10. I have knocked a point off for repetitive voices and spammed speech when you walk around towns. With a high end game like this I would have liked to have seen more voices and more variety in the NPC's speech (they reckon there were over 60 voice actors in the game but to me it feels like only 10?). I would also like to see more variety with enemies. Basically its a few of the same sort rinsed and repeated. Oh and the AI of your 'ehelpers' is bad. They just run in and attack which is very frustrating when you just want to make a stealthy approach. as such I avoided help on all but those quests where it was forced.

Other than that, awesome game. Really enjoyed it.

Deus Ex HR on PC + Missing Link DLC

8/10 - Loved this game as I am a big Deus Ex fan (yes I even played invisible war!) but it had some glaring issues. The first is the woeful AI. Guy finds a dead colleague and freaks out for a few seconds then continues to patrol as normal right past his buddies body :rolleyes: Also I found little need for most of the weapons in the game. I just used a fully upgraded pistol with a laser sight+silencer and and only used typhoon/heavy weps for boss battles. I should point out that I was fully offensive on this play through, and did not use stealth (much). Other than that it was a great mix of stealth and action and was the closest thing to the original so far in my opinion. I like how the game is linear but offers multiple ways to complete an objective based on your augs and play style. It finds a nice balance between linear 'set-pieces' and semi-free roaming to offer a game with pace and direction without you feeling like you are in a Modern Warfare 'tunnel'. I also appreciated the fact it allowed me to quick save and did not force console based checkpoint saves. I did find the story less immersive than the original, however the voice acting was superb. The Skyrim developers could learn a thing or two from the likes of DXHR and ME2. Overall I loved this game, but I am a fan of the series, and of the system shock games before, so I am a little biased, but I have tried to be fair :)

Mass Effect 2 on PC

7/10 - Wonderful story (and race history), fantastic voice acting, interesting paragon/renegade aspects and plenty to see and do. However for me it just got too repetitive. Same old linear fight sequences find a bit of cover, shoot the bad guys, find a bit more cover, kill a few more. All that changed was the environment. I would like to have seen more variety, and more use of the battle environments with regard to moving around them. Its the future. Why cant my guy jetpack to high places, or climb on the top of obstacles instead of hiding behind them? Why cant he jump? Why is nearly all of the scenery indestructable with only obvious bright red things being 'explosive'? I mean come on, with all the firepower in some of the battles the battle arena would be torn up big time. I enjoyed the game for the first half maybe even 3/4 but then it just got to the point where I was willing it to end. The only thing that kept me going was the story, and thats a real shame.


Diablo 3 - 6 / 10

Completed on Normal mode.

Terrible story with over-exaggerated, deep voiced characters who think that everything is really serious and I don’t show any emotions because of that. By the time I got to the end I wanted Diablo to win.

Gameplay-wise, the ‘must get the next loot’ feeling isn’t as strong as the previous games. I know that people stay that the game doesn’t get going until the later difficulties, but really why bother dedicating hours to a game before it becomes fun when you can play something else which is fun from the start?

Difficulty is all over the place. I had more trouble killing certain groups of monsters than Diablo at the end - which involved standing next to him and holding down left-mouse and occasionally pressing 1-4.
Haven't actually been inspired to complete anything for ages.

Not due to a lack of good games exactly, just most games being derivative these days and uninspiring to me.

This to be honest. The last game new game I completed was probably Portal 2 around the time it came out and even then the middle sections bored me a bit. I think I completed FF8 and Crash Bandicoot since but I'm not sure.

It's making me depressed thinking about it, I can hardly classify myself as a gamer at the minute :(.
Defence grid: The awakening 75%

Nice graphics and art, well balanced towers, but ultimately is just another tower defence game
Deus Ex : HR. I really liked it would give it 9/10. I deserted it in the middle, left it for a few weeks to play skyrim, and then came back to it and thoroughly enjoyed it again.
Mafia II on PC: 10/10 because I am biased and love the 50s, 8/10 realistically because of the average story and cover based shooting bringing down the great attention to detail, great car physics, great environment, atmosphere and immersion, and 'not being a 360 port' loveliness.
Just completed Limbo... Really different and I enjoyed it immensely. :)

8/10. Ending loses it points.
Portal 6/10, poor story, thought it would be longer, didn't think that the stupid test rooms would be the entire game :(
I actually think it was Prince of Persia Forgotten Sands AAAAAAGES ago. Damn. I was thinking of completing kingdoms of amalur but its pretty generic.
Dead Space 2 - Stopped playing it around Chapter 9 for some reason and didn't think too highly of it compared to the first game. Reinstalled it and continued where I left off and really enjoyed it although the last boss fight in kinda lame and is really annoying on the harder difficulties. Speaking of which, it's the first time in a long time I've had points in a game where I've literally had about 10 bullets left and no means of recovery (On Zealot). By the last 2 or 3 chapters though I was overloaded with medium health kits and ammo that was only limited by inventory space.

8/10 and would give the first game 9/10. Looking forward to DS3 :).
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