The last game you completed, and rating.

Deus Ex:HR

Ending drops of about 4 points from the score.

Max Payne 3

Great action, but the story is a bit "meh", there are too many rockstar cutscenes and a lack of the noir comic scenes.
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Max Payne 1.


Since it's a good few years old, still a very enjoyable shooter, played half the game with borked sound, but found a fix. Good story and back in the day bullet time gameplay blew me away, and still a very fun component.
I haven't completed many lately but over the past year they are:

Alan Wake 8/10 - Surprisingly good. Thought the game would be another console port but wasn't.

Rage 6.5/10 - Decent up to a point, then the game just gets ridiculous and it feels like a chore to play through.

Deus Ex: HR 8/10 - A good prequel to the original Deus Ex. Not as good as Deus Ex 1 in my opinion, but gets the job done and is worthy to the Deus Ex name.

Duke Nukem Forever 6/10 - Fairly fun at times but particularly average.

BF3 7/10 - Had incredible promise at the start then just turned into another CoD for me.

MW3 6.5/10 - Worst CoD game so far. MW2 was a fairly decent follow up to MW1 as far as SP goes, but MW3 sp at times was just... <insert the appropriate word here.>:p
The Force Unleashed 2 -6/10
very very short(5 hours),start off way too powerful but i paid so little for it i enjoyed it was a quick blast through game.
if i would have paid for this full price now let alone release i would be fuming and would have rated it 1/10

skyrim 9/10
really sucked me in,went out of my way to do as much as i could in the world and explore and do as many side quests as possible (132 hours) loved you weren't tied to one style,i never re play games but am extremly tempted to with skyrim.for the money this is a huge game making it worth every penny you can spend a lot more time in game than i did and the hours i put in i still think its awesome value.

dead space 2 7.5/10
love the atmosphere of these games,very jumpy and dark not as good as the first but still definetly worth a play,yet again got this cheap but would have happily paid more.

Mafia 2 8/10
really loved the scene of mafia 2 loved the start well nearly the start! (wont spoil it) but made me feel very homely and just warm and fuzzy inside lol,the driving was good and had simulation mode also which was good if you want a more realistic challange,some good collectibles (wink wink!!) i liked the missions,weapons good game for the price would have been nicer if it was a bit longer.

The Baconing 7/10
funny little game with cool little pop out comic style graphics,simple but fun.

Hydrophobia:Prophecy 6.5/10

surprised by the quality of the graphics on this cheap game(water physics are good),was a okay game nothing much to write about really end boss fight was very ermmm boring and easy story is glitchy and the combat is iffy and frustrating.but is very cheap i think i bought it for 87p!!!! so worth every penny about 10 hours to complete.
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Deux Ex, i like the DLC best of all... 10/10
great shooter, and many different ways to fight, reminds me of FEAR, i can repeat my favourite fights 10 times over
Max Payne 3, didn't mind the cut scenes but some odd difficulty spikes and it felt too long for my liking. Generally if I'm not having fun with a game I stop but having finished (and loved) the first two games I forced myself to finish this one and I'm not sure it was worth the effort.
Obviously you're going to get a fair bit of repetition in a game like this but level design that often doesn't allow you to use Max's abilities to best effect really don't help. If the central character hadn't been Max Payne I doubt I'd have spent more than an hour or two with the game.

I'm feeling generous so 5.5/10.

Oh yeah, it has multiplayer. Can't imagine wanting to play it more than a couple of times but it's there all the same.
Alan wake - 7.5/10

It was a good game yet got a little predictable and repetitive in places. worth a playthrough if you can pick it up for less than £10
Bastion 9/10

loved the art style,voiceover not the longest game but certainly enjoyable to play with a few extra bits to do away from the main quest not happy it didnt give me the finish the story achievement though(finished the game yet no achievement) booo to you bastion....
Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory: 12/20
Just completed this, thoughts below:

+Excellent performance, as you'd expect from a game of this age (120fps maxed out)
+Graphically looks OK in places although a bit inconsistent
+A better game than Pandora Tomorrow, not as many insta-fails and generally a bit more forgiving (some might not like this I guess)
+Feels like it has a bit more variety in terms of how you choose to approach missions, starting with the loadout, and a few routes to some objectives
+I like the way you get a bunch of secondary objectives and can choose whether you want to tackle them or not - although they are pretty repetitive, often just finding the switch to tap a phone line, UAV, propaganda machine etc.
+Voice acting is generally good...

-...but I struggled to build up any sort of empathy with the characters. The cutscenes feel kinda disjointed from the game
-Annoying "Caching 3.0 Shaders" message comes up every time you alttab into the game, this causes a slight lag of about 2 seconds but it queues up mouse movement so you spin round to some random direction
-No autosaves/checkpoints which can be very frustrating when you have to redo say 10mins of work if you forget to save manually, pretty poor from a relatively modern game
-Quite a short game, only 10 levels lasting around 30-60mins each. Allowing for replaying sections after deaths etc (see above) it is a ~10hr game which is fine for cinematic action fests like COD series but in a slower paced game like this you feel like you want about 15 missions. To be fair I haven't tried co-op and I suppose for people who want to 100% every level the game length will increase, but in some ways that is artifically increasing the game length, the amount of content is still quite low.
-Very lacklustre ending, the penultimate level and finale was much better
-The map is pretty much unusable (really blurry... possibly down to my GPU settings I guess) and the lack of any sort of indicator on where you need to go can be frustrating at times, all a bit 1990s really randomly wandering around and backtracking until you get close enough to a previously sealed door to trigger it opening (thank god for walkthroughs!)
-Having recently played through the Assassin's Creed series the limitations of this game are shown up, most of the 'acrobatic' sections are contrived and/or dull
-Feels like the game mechanics need sprucing up a bit, the whole shooting out lights, ambush people in the dark thing is getting a bit stale. Will see if this improves in Double Agent.
-Never really felt like the storyline got going
-Not much variety in terms of level design, it is all very well labelling something new york, soeul, japan etc but apart from the early missions it was all very samey.

Overall I'd say this is one of the worst games I've played that has scored over 90% on metacritic, and it is slightly worrying that it seems to be regarded as the best of the series by many.
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Why 12/20? Why not 1/5 or 2/10 lol

Sleeping dogs, 11/10, amazing game, one of my favourite single player games along with uncharted, honestly enjoyed it more than uncharted.
I rate games out of 20 because I find it gives a good balance of granularity between /10 (which doesn't feel like it lets you distinguish between games enough - hence why people start having to go to half-marks) and oldschool percentages whereby I just end up plucking a number out of the air without really being able to say what the difference between say 87% and 88% is. I read this concept online quite a few years ago and it just seems to fit right to me for rating games, rating out of 10 I just end up with a bunch of 8/10 or 9/10 when it comes to great games but I want to be able to seperate them i.e. 17/20.

Most of the mini bullet reviews I write here don't get a score at all, just positives and negatives, but the official Chaos Theory thread seems to have been purged and rating is a requirement of this thread :)
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