Completed a couple of short games recently.
The Walking Dead - Season 2:
I started off playing this mostly because I'd bought it and decided it was about time I played it (because I kept looking through my games list and seeing it). So possibly didn't go in with the best mindset. That said, I did enjoy the game. I didn't like the story as much as the first one but I still thought it was quite good. What I did like more than the first game was the feeling that some choices seemed to make more of an impact (not all though, some seemed almost pointless). Played the first game through twice so that made it quite clear how little impact so many of your choices had. I only played this game through once (possibly for the reason explained at the start), but I did YouTube to see the other choices. For a game where pretty much all you do is make choices I think having those choices feel impact-full is very important.
Overall - 7/10
The Banner Saga 2:
I got the first game free (AMD code I think) and didn't know much about it. Played it, loved it. Picked the 2nd one up when it was on offer but only just got around to playing it, was looking forward to it. It basically takes everything from the first game and then adds a few new things. Nice additions without reworking a mechanic you got to know from the first game. I think the story worked well, moved things forward and set up the third game nicely.
Overall - 8/10