I've just completed We Happy Few. Well, the first act of it anyway. I went in with low expectations having read some reviews a few months ago. I would never have played the game at all, had it not been part of the Microsoft Game Pass deal at a cost of only £2.
For the most part, I found the game to be enjoyable. I found the story intriguing, the characters interesting, the general environment design appealing and the music to be very fitting. However....I found some aspects of the game to be incredibly annoying. For a start, the world is far too large considering the rather limited scope of the story and the quests you are given. Having to walk from a save house to a quest checkpoint, went from being interesting in the beginning, to damn near uninstall inducingly annoying a few hours in. Also, immersion was broken every few minutes, usually because of weird npc behaviour. Lastly, the emphasis on crafting (with the exception of healing items, lockpicks and crowbars) is utterly pointless; especially when a lot of the skills you accrue throughout the game, negate the function of the items you are making.
Despite enjoying the first act, I have no inclination whatsoever to go through the second. Although I'm sure the story is fine, the idea of traversing the same huge map again, doesn't appeal. In summary. A first class idea, presented in a way that does it no favours; frustrating.