The last game you completed, and rating.

Total War Warhammer 2 Completed vortex campaign with High Elves, played on normal and found it quite easy after about 50 turns once money became irrelevant. It's been a while since I enjoyed Total War game so much. Started a new campaign on Hard with Tomb Kings and that's definitely more challenging.
Just finished Bioshock - 8.5 / 10

Was a very good game and I really felt sorry for Andrew Ryan! Goes to all that trouble of building everything and gets it all taken away from him!

Obviously I had to save every little sister even though it would have made things easier by not doing that!

Looking forward to starting the second one but will probably play something different first. Quite fancy completing donkey Kong Country on the snes.
Finished Tekken 7 a few weeks ago.

VERY, very surprised that the SP story mode was so good if not, as you would expect to be honest....a bit short. Interesting storyline and some unexpected bits of history bought to light around the Mishima timeline

Game mechanics are still the brilliant Tekken formula and the graphics are unbelievably good on the PC. Now its cheap it is worth picking up

7.5 /10 from me :)
See you in January. :D

January? I've still got the same save from when it was released. I've almost 100% it. Gonna get it on the switch when it's released to play through it all over again. Will make the flights between SF and London (10 hours) MUCH easier. I can't wait!

Recent game completed: Shadow of the Colossus, it was cool. Nothing amazing. 7/10
Ghost Recon Breakpoint - 6/10

Put in 45 hours and done most of the game now, max level overall, all class's to max level, all main missions, boss's etc and overall very mediocre. To be honest got to a point I was partly playing to finish it (although even the main story ends at a point where more content is easily envisaged and plenty of enemy antagonist boss's alive). Overall, there are some nice elements, most notably combat can be fun in terms of gunplay, but otherwise meh. The world itself is nice and really does feel like a place where futuristic research would take place. Really reminds me of Lost TV series with some elements, but it is really too big at times. Its 32KM or so from end to end, and its filled with so much filler gets boring.

  • Graphics - Game looks gorgeous. In 4K with HDR on a big screen, looks amazing
  • Gunplay - gunplay is fun and great
  • Music / sounds - Sounds are great, more so on a solid system. Music likewise works well. Some voice acting is done well
  • Customise - You can customise both appearance cosmetically and weapons to an actual effect to a pretty nice extent. There is a lot of paid for cosmetics, but pretty easy not to bother with that.
  • The map and world itself is gorgeous, However as mentioned above, its simply too big and stuffed of far too much filler content.
  • Combat - Combat is middle of the road. Sometimes, can be some shining points, but often its garbage. If a few enemies go on alert, the whole base does and they know where you are. If you wipe out the base at times, can be maby one straggler on opposite side of massive base who still knows where you are and as a result keeps everything in high alert. Means needing to find them which can be a chore to simply move to another location.
  • Loot system - Kind of meh. There is RNG at play. Buying your blueprint weapons for example can give you a low level version or legendary version and anything in between when you buy it a few times. At the start at least, items become outdated very quickly. As a side note, anyone playing / planning too: I recommend though, you keep hold of Grey Weapons and break them down!!! Will find they provide something call standard components. from middle game on wards, grey weapons do not spawn or become available in shops, and you need standard components to upgrade other weapons base level!!! Of course this is not possible unless you go farm drones which "may" drop the components.
  • Campaign - Could have done so much more, but absolutely boring to be honest. The campaign exists, solely it seems to have you fight through and attack the multitude of big bases on the map and that's it. The campaign itself is shoehorned into attacking these places.
  • Traversal - As the map is so big, you need to basically unlock fast travel points which is easy enough. Outside of that, driving is tedious as all the roads are chock full of enemies and the forests have a number of trees which can't be broken so will always drive into one. So just easier to walk / run which on such a massive map can be boring. Add into the fact, the player character seems to fall down small incline becoming uncontrollable, no grappling hook to transverse the terrain which varies quiet a bit vertically it becomes a pain. Honestly, found it easier to spawn a helicopter at fast travel points and crash into the location I needed to go.
  • Game is designed to play as Co-Op to an extent. All enemies will say enemies (plural) and Ghosts attacking. Most comments relate to there being more then one person playing. Unlike Wildllands there is no AI teamates, so no more setting up nice sync shots!
  • Cover system blows - get stuck to cover at absolutely insane times, and when you do want cover does not stick on occasions.
Meh in all, has potential, but on balance more flaws so the sum of it does not come out looking great. Some things can be fixed I suspect, but other parts not so much.

EDIT: one comment to add I forgot for a shooting game what absolutely sucks is bullets cannot kill or hurt anyone behind the initial target. Headshot a enemy with a 50 Cal does not matter, only that first enemy will die, anyone behind him is perfectly fine.
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Total War Warhammer 2 Completed vortex campaign with High Elves, played on normal and found it quite easy after about 50 turns once money became irrelevant. It's been a while since I enjoyed Total War game so much. Started a new campaign on Hard with Tomb Kings and that's definitely more challenging.

Going to install this game tonight never got around to playing it , Do I need to install WH1 to play or just 2 ?
Metro Last Light redux. I've played all the Metro games before, but fancied running through them again in order. It still stands as one of my favourite games, even though some sections feel a little too scripted. The creepy atmosphere is what really brings it all together though. 8/10.
The Outerworld - 8.5/10

Really enjoyed this game for most the part. Have to say, very well polished, found no bugs throughout the game play and performance wise it runs smooth once you tweak things. Does need some more options to increase FOV and remove filters like chromatic aberration, but otherwise well polished.

Gameplay wise the main story is fun, but a fair number of fetch quest. What makes the game a blast is interactions with NPC's, the humour and lines are great. Towards the end when you hit level 30 and with amount of perks and bonus's you get, you pretty much excel in every category, can open every door, bypass every speech etc. However the world itself however is interesting and diverse. Its also pretty fresh and can see many more pathways for it to take.

The game itself is medium sized, I did pretty much every quest, got to max level, got all the hidden weapons etc and was done in around 26 hour.

+ Polished and bug free (IMO)
+ Some writing is very well done
+ Enjoy banter between companions.
+ some pretty nice looking spots in the game at times (once you tweak ini files).
+ I like the more focused approach then billions of question marks that every open world RPG game seems to be going for.

= Companion quests are a mixed bag

- Combat is so so and becomes very easy
did you play BL1 before it? I want to play BL2 but not sure if i should play 1 first.
Completely not required.

I started with BL2 and in fact have still not played BL1.

BL2 was amazing, regardless. Sure I probably missed out on some of the in-jokes and whatever, but the experience (imho) was not lessened due to not having played the first.

That said, some people prefer the first, so ultimately just play either.
COD MW Campaign, loved it - some of those missions are every bit as good as the classic COD4 ones.

Solid 8/10 for me.
What Remains Of Edith Finch

6/10 - I find this awkward to rate as I don't really go for games like this, they're slow and boring. However, it was cheap on sale and passed a couple of hours, looking pretty in the process.

Very short, just over 2hrs to complete.
Bit Trip Runner. A game I abandoned years ago due to difficulty. It's a runner game with no checkpoints ( addressed in the sequels ) so if you die you have to start again from beginning of the level.

Three worlds with 12 levels each ( 11 + boss ) I actually really enjoyed beating this game. It's frustrating the further you get and if you have a busy life it's hard to recommend this as a casual game. In the third world I think the the last 6 levels took me days doing an hour or two a day.

That said it was playing the third game in the series that prompted me to revisit this. BTR3 or Runner 3 as it is called has "impossible" levels which require a very exacting button pushing to beat. Having beaten all 9 levels secreted in that game I thought the original wouldn't be that hard. Boy I was wrong !

Still really love this series. Solid 9/10
Gears 5 - 8/10

Thoroughly enjoyable game with some of the best graphics I’ve ever seen. The HDR implementation sets new standards for PC HDR gaming. Even better is that it was free, courtesy of AMD’s game pass giveaway. How can you go wrong?
'Completed'... Mortal Kombat 11's campaign. Took me around 6-7 hours, thoroughly enjoyed it, the challenge and the characters.

For the campaign alone, 8/10

Can't say for the rest of the game as I've not delved into it yet
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