The last game you completed, and rating.

Dying light Stay Human.
Actually, I'm lying, I didn't finish it due to my dual sense being lobbed at the wall at 800MPH and becoming a collection of useless parts (Jeff is sending me a new one tomorrow).
The standard of the latest games is just utter utter garbage these days.
Sniper 5, Farcry 6 and now DLSH just prove that devs are putting out any half assed BS out to make a quick buck.
The review sites need to do a better job of calling these lazy a-holes out!
God of war 10/10. Absolutely fantastic game from start to finish. Everything I want from a game. Excellent combat, exploration and crafting. Great voice acting and story. Fully gripped from start to finish.

It was so good I played it again NG+ immediately after finishing it for the first time. I never usually do that. :):)
God of war 10/10. Absolutely fantastic game from start to finish. Everything I want from a game. Excellent combat, exploration and crafting. Great voice acting and story. Fully gripped from start to finish.

It was so good I played it again NG+ immediately after finishing it for the first time. I never usually do that. :):)

These Playstation ports are great. Can't wait for TLOU.
Metro Exodus Enhanced Edition - 8 / 10, looks better than most games that have recently released. The open world was a different approach (granted some of the zones are big corridors rather than full open world) it was nice to get back into claustrophobic Metro system towards the end, Two Colonels DLC really gives the original feel back going through with only a flamethrower.

One thing I would have liked that most games offer now is being able to 'speed' up the dialog, I was reading the subtitles quicker than they speak and had to wait for them to catch up.
Titanfall 2

It would have been 10/10 if the game was just a bit longer.

I never got round to playing the Titanfall series - I don't know why - and I had a weekend to myself. I completed both of the games, then thought about multiplayer - I could not believe there were only like 20-odd thousand players concurrently. now i just lurk around YouTube on "Titanfall 3 rumours" videos.
Dying Light 2

Not really a zombie fan but enjoyed this almost as much as the first game. Good story and fun to play.

Holy crap, amazing game. One of the very rare games where I actually felt gutted when the final credits rolled - I just wanted mooooore of that awesome story.

The world was really immersive; I felt part of it the whole time. Amazing acting, direction, graphics. Just a fantastic game. Ran like butter on my system too with sublime HDR.

Gave it a go but the whole collecting mini game is very off putting to me. If it were stuff you stumbled upon it would be more fitting but I really don't like the OCD inducing icons on a minimap tied to upgrades. Not saying its a bad game just not to my taste :) thats all.
Gave it a go but the whole collecting mini game is very off putting to me. If it were stuff you stumbled upon it would be more fitting but I really don't like the OCD inducing icons on a minimap tied to upgrades. Not saying its a bad game just not to my taste :) thats all.
I'm not fond of busywork in games, but every time a collectathon/bunch of side objectives appeared I'd pause the main missions to do them all before continuing - it certainly helps with levelling up and making new gadgets though I can understand why someone might bounce off it. I finished it 100%, had a real blast with it, but I'm in no hurry to play it some more (I'll do the DLC at some point).
Aliens Fireteam Elite

Never impressed me enough to warrant a buy on release, despite my love of the franchise. I picked it up cheap in the last week as something to bide me over given how crap Path of Exile has been this league, also spotted there was DLC on the way too.

Wow, had tonnes of fun with it so far. It's not perfect by any means but you can tell a lot of love went into it. I'm happy enough just playing with randoms at the moment and levelling the prestige points up.
I finished quite a few games lately:

Archolos: Chronicles of Myrtana - one of the best RPGs made in last decade, just sublime design and atmosphere, equally good as Enderal's - 9.5/10

RUINER - pretty good top down action game, awesome cyberpunk atmosphere. Graphically not as good as Ascent, but soundtrack is a killer. Good game for some 5 or 6 hours - 7/10

Devil May Cry 5 - literally one of the most boring and monotone games I ever bothered finishing. Decent graphics and music, but the gameplay is so one-note and the environments so boring and ugly, I was ready for it to end long before it ended. 4/10 and I am generous here.

Draugen - Very nice little audiovisual short story in videogame form. Ultimately I was not completely satisfied with some of its story elements, but it was still quite beautiful and most importantly, it did not overstay its welcome. 7/10

10/10. Can't wait to play the sequel on Game Pass in just over a month.
Finished this the other day too, solid 8.5 from me
Aliens Fireteam Elite

Never impressed me enough to warrant a buy on release, despite my love of the franchise. I picked it up cheap in the last week as something to bide me over given how crap Path of Exile has been this league, also spotted there was DLC on the way too.

Wow, had tonnes of fun with it so far. It's not perfect by any means but you can tell a lot of love went into it. I'm happy enough just playing with randoms at the moment and levelling the prestige points up.
I love this game too! Haven't got the Pathogen DLC yet (and I've finished all the campaign stuff) but I'm having fun doing the dailies to level up my grunts :D If you wanna team up to try the harder difficulty levels let me know!
Immortals: Fenyx Rising
A fun, bright and brash romp through comical retellings of some Greek myths. Light-hearted and often endearing. Enjoyable, well-paced, if rather basic combat. Some well-crafted puzzles (and some exceptionally irritating and fiddly ones). Too much busy-work that doesn't manage to conceal its nature as game-padding busy-work - especially near the end with some repetitive puzzle-combat looping that nearly made me quit before the finale. Fun enough for a while, and I learnt a few mythical stories that I hadn't come across before.
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