The last game you completed, and rating.

The Looker 8/10.

It is a satire of Jonathan Blow's The Witness. Very short at 1-2 hours but absolutely free. Good humour, good puzzles. Just a well made satirical game, highly recommend, especially if you hated/enjoyed The Witness.
Tiny Tina's Wonderlands - 7/10

Fun little game for those who need a borderlands story fix. Ran perfect on my setup. Not a single crash. Not sure why people bag on this game.
Sniper Elite 5, 3/10 it's like playing a game from 15 years ago, big open maps? it says there are multiple ways to your destination?, really? After playing actual big open maps like Far Cry Valhalla then this is seriously restricting everywhere you want to go. :confused:
Supraland 9/10, what a brilliant game. First game in ages that had me staying up late to play "just another hour..".
Only played it as it was part of a Humble pack and astonishing that it was done by a single developer.
A sort of simple, humerous puzzle based FPS, though the shooting part is not really needed and the only weak point (though supposedly fixed in the DLC & sequel).
Important to play through without using a quide as all the puzzles are logical and solvable. Very satisfying when you do and often face-palming when you realise how simple it was and it took you hours!
A polished game that I thoroughly recommend (and I think free on Epic this week).
Ive just started this... ive been on it for 4+ hours and only managed about 9%... im rubbish! I used to linear games really, so im constantly wandering what ive missed, plus i need a map as i constantly feel lost. It runs really nice though. Ill stick with it for a bit, hopefully it'll click a bit more soon
POSTAL: Brain Damaged 8/10.

Fantastic fast paced retro shooter themed up with POSTAL crude humour. Heavily inspired by Doom Eternal but the difficulty balance is not there, the fights were never challenging but the worldbuilding and satire of current events was amusing. Has 96% positive reviews on steam and there's a good reason for it.
Titanfall 2: 9.5/10 (single player)

A friend of mine has been telling me to play this for a while as he loved the game. I only did the single-player campaign though and didn't touch the multi-player. What a fantastic story; one of the best, if not the best, campaigns I've played in a FPS game. The story is excellent by itself but the interaction and dialogue between BT and Cooper was brilliant.
Red dead Redemption 2: 10/10 for me. Kicking myself that I didn't play it sooner but what a journey over 80 hours this game gave me, I can't remember the last game that brought raw emoticons out of me whilst playing.
Days Gone for the PC 8/10, actually enjoyed it. Good story line. Got a bit repetitive towards the end. Might replay it again some time.
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Vampire Survivors.
Enjoyable for what it is with regular updates so far with more things to unlock. 8/10
Bare in mind it's like £2 haha
Last time I bought a game was back when Overwatch came out.
Subnautica: Below Zero. It's good but, nowhere near as good as the original. I found it a bit directionless at times and needed to consult a couple of guides to work out where to go and what to do.
I have been on a bit of a visual novel gaming vibe lately on Game Pass:

Citizen Sleeper - Loved the atmosphere, artwork and the story. The game gives you several dice rolls (the amount depends on the physical state of your character) at the start of day. Once these have been rolled then you can use them to complete actions throughout the day as you see fit. It sounds dry, but it really isnt. Also, considering there is no voice acting it does a great job of fleshing out the characters. 9/10

Norco - This was the game that I thought i would like most given the setting, but it failed to really grab. I played through until the end, but it didn't make a massive impression on me and was a bit silly in places. 7/10

As Dusk Falls - Recently released, it wasnt on my radar at all. The story and presentation are more in the vein of a TV series where you play as several characters and make choices for them along the way - each decision seemingly having a big impact on the story. I couldnt stop playing this. It probably can be played multiple times, but I was so happy with (my) story that I am reluctant to do so. 9/10
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