The last game you completed, and rating.

Metal Gear Rising Revengeance

Main Story is a bit short but good replayability via mission score system and 'vr missions', plenty there to challenge yourself with.
It's a good port of the console version, though PC version doesn't really add anything outside of higher resolution and AA.
Well worth playing if you like action-slashers.
Crysis 2 8/10. I've had this for a while, from a Steam sale, but my PC didn't run it very well but as I built a new PC recently I thought I'd give it ago.

I preferred it to Crysis and the ending was a lot better due to a lot easier final boss bit.

I'm not sure what to play next, Crysis 3, Metro Last Light or Splinter Cell Blacklist.
Deadly Premoniton


Not sure how to rate this game ha! It's pretty weird but I found myself playing until 3am the other night wanting to know wtf was going on...
Assassins Creed Black Flag : 9/10

Never got into any of the other AC games so was really surprised that this one hooked me.

Great graphics and a lot of stuff to do aside from the main story so it kept me coming back for more. Definately recommend on PC, tried the Wii u version but its a lot less smooth and almost unplayable after having playing it on PC. Used xbox controller on the tv, definately the way to go.

Only downsides were a few control and movement niggles and that some of the side stuff was a bit repetative. Oh and the animus stuff was pretty crap but there isnt so much of it, dont know why they still use that story, ruined the immersion a bit when it pulls you out.

On the whole, really fun experience in a time when not a lot of games can keep me on them for long.
That might be true, but I don't think that's a good enough excuse anymore in 2014. Dark Souls for example is great fun on the first playthrough, and just get better from there on. Diablo 3 already has higher difficulty options but they lock them out to new playthroughs. I've played video games before thank you Blizzard, let me choose a harder difficulty from the start. Grinding out through the entire game before it starts to get good is just sloppy game design.

The higher difficulties in D3, Path of Exile, Titan Quest etc and all ARPGs of that format are literally impossible to play as a new character even if they were unlocked - they are scaled to be played as characters who have completed the standard game.

It'd be like starting Borderlands 2 in UVHM with a level 1 character - instant death every fight with no chance to survive.

I'd prefer a harder (or more engaging) first playthrough too, but I don't see it happening any time soon.
Mass Effect 2


I did enjoy it but I was sure I was only part way through and just completed what I thought was part of the main story, leading to the next phase....and that was it, game finished. I honestly thought I was only 2/3 the way through.

I have 3 lined up now though so apparently going to love the ending of that one...
Tomb Raider

Was never a fan of the previous games but built my cousins PC last year and as a thank you he gave me the Tomb Raider game code he got with his gpu.

Graphics are pretty and that was pretty much it.

I'm not a fan of cut scenes (but I did like Max Payne 3's) or mashing buttons when it tells me to and i literally couldn't wait for the game to be over so I can uninstall it.

The finale 'boss' fight is a joke. I want to play the game I don't want to watch it.

4/10 would be lower if I paid for it
Assassin's Creed: Black Flag


I got this free with my second GTX-780 I ordered while back, and it's a very good game in my opinion. I've not really played much of the AC series, but this one had me hooked from the start.

Graphics were very nice, especially with PhysX and HBAO+, however there were issues with distance terrain effects and textures as I've grown accustomed to with Ubisoft games (Far Cry 3 had similar problems).

The storyline was great on the whole and didn't involve too much repetition, however I was not a fan of the modern day stuff and felt it broke the immersion a bit (although I realise that it's probably necessary to fit in with the rest of the series).

Naval combat was superb and this game was the first in a while to offer actually challenging "boss" battles with the Legendary Ships (HMS Royal Sovereign + Fearless and El Impoluto were particularly difficult to defeat).

All in all a great game and I recommend it :)
Mass Effect 2


I did enjoy it but I was sure I was only part way through and just completed what I thought was part of the main story, leading to the next phase....and that was it, game finished. I honestly thought I was only 2/3 the way through.

I have 3 lined up now though so apparently going to love the ending of that one...

Lots of stuff in ME2 is optional, especially the loyalty missions. If you don't know what your doing its very east to skip a lot of the content and rush though.

The outcome of that last mission you do (and the cut scene) is affected by those optional side missions.

You can delay the last mission up to a point, but all of a sudden your committed.
State of Decay.

Thought it was good fun if a bit repetitive and realistically quite short. Could have got more mileage but ended up just wanting to finish the game otherwise you will be forever doing the random side quest that pop up. They are usually just rescuing one of your group from a shed.

Could do with abit more eye candy but overall a good buy, 7/10.

One of my favourite linear shooters. Great story / atmosphere, still quite capable visuals and some of the best combat I've ever experienced in a computer game, 8 - 9 / 10.

Using sweetfx and tinkering with various settings made it a very enjoyable play through.
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Thomas was alone.


This score takes into account the low price I paid in the Humble Bundle recently. If it was a full priced game it would be a lot lower.

It's a short but sweet platformer/puzzle game, but the brilliant narration and music score really set it apart. The puzzles are quite easy, but do get a bit tougher towards the end. Overall a very fun little game and well worth getting in the current Humble weekly sale. It's also an easy game to get 100% achievements on.
Dragon Age 2 - Not as awful as that dreadful demo made it out to be...

The Cons: Corners were certainly cut.

Reused areas, an almost total lack of companion customisation rendering almost all the loot you collect to be utterly worthless. A static, borderline lifeless world, with most NPC's just standing still, which I can't really accept anymore... The combat tactics system is also pretty useless as well, which is a bother considering how much fighting you have to do. In Origins it was possible to get some useful synergy going, but that just doesn't seem to be needed in DA2. The final boss fight reminded me of Mass Effect 1's confrontation with Saren... and it seemed very out of place.

Pros: Not quite as bad as I feared.

Varric. The most appealing of your companions, by a long stretch. Up there with Alistair and Morrigan, imho. There's some good dialogue too, including one or two lines that rank as some of the best I've heard in any game. :D

In hindsight it does a good job of setting up the world for DA: Inquisition, which was probably its only real purpose. That said, it has also encouraged me to restart Awakenings with my old Warden and try and find out what turned Anders in to such a whiny, pathetic cretin.

6/10 seems a little harsh and as it only cost me £6, I'll give it 7/10 instead. Possibly...
Lots of stuff in ME2 is optional, especially the loyalty missions. If you don't know what your doing its very east to skip a lot of the content and rush though.

The outcome of that last mission you do (and the cut scene) is affected by those optional side missions.

You can delay the last mission up to a point, but all of a sudden your committed.

Er yeah, if lots of your crew didn't do too well at the end, I'd play through again!!!
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