The last game you completed, and rating.

Bioshock Infinite.

+ lighting
+ Elizabeth
+ graphics generally good
+ some great ideas thrown in (as with all Bioshock games)
+ the 'way' the story is told is well done

- goes on for too long
- engine showing its age
- while most of the visuals are good, there are a few items (some foliage) that look poor and out of place
- most of the time the game is too easy (Elizabeth throwing you money / ammo)
- although I like the way it's told, the story and artistic design / setting isn't my cup of tea at all (even less so than the first two)
- long battle near the end goes on for...well, too long

Now, with the last point in mind, I would much rather the devs leave this time period (and the previous one) behind and do something more akin to System Shock. Please!

An average game score would be 5/10, so for this I'll give it 6. This game is clearly very well made, but the content / style just doesn't appeal to me all that much. I can't see me picking up any of the dlc, even during a sale.
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KOTOR2, 85%. Though it was really good. It's a shame ME nicked so many good ideas (I played ME first) although I know why that was.

If you haven't played it becasue of the infamy of it's bugginess, I found the Restored Content patch kept it sweet.

One for all RPGers, not just SW fans.
KOTOR2, 85%. Though it was really good. It's a shame ME nicked so many good ideas (I played ME first) although I know why that was.

If you haven't played it becasue of the infamy of it's bugginess, I found the Restored Content patch kept it sweet.

One for all RPGers, not just SW fans.

if KOTOR2 launched with the patch it would have been regarded as better than the original.
Just finished Stick of truth.
It is a good game and stays true to the cartoon in every way.

Definitely a game to play but no reason to play it again. Ever.

Randy having an abortion did have me in tears from the laughter.

Batman Origins.

The best Batman game of the series imo. A solid 8/10. It gave me some problems when I installed my second GPU, but by that point I was almost near the end, so didn’t bother me.

It's a good game, and surprisingly long single player. Lots of good boss fights.

Half Life 2 + Ep1&2 with FakeFactory Cinematic mod.


HL2 remains my favourite fps of all time and Episodes 1&2 just add to the overall experience. It's an absolute tragedy that Steam's licence to print great big fat wads of $$$ for Valve means we are unlikely to ever see HL3.
Contrast - Loved it, the story was good, the graphics great, the soundtrack was fantastic, some frustrating puzzles and controls with keyboard and mouse tricky at times but the gimmick of being able to shift into and out of the shadows was interesting and fun.

Game maybe a little short but recommended.
Half Life 2 + Ep1&2 with FakeFactory Cinematic mod.


HL2 remains my favourite fps of all time and Episodes 1&2 just add to the overall experience. It's an absolute tragedy that Steam's licence to print great big fat wads of $$$ for Valve means we are unlikely to ever see HL3.

I'm still on the notion it will come out with their first console.
Walking Dead Season 2 - Episodes 1-3


Telltale sold us short by offering 90 minute duration episodes. The game so far isn't a patch on Season 1 which had more hubs and more content so you could build a closer emotional bond to characters which then made decision making more difficult.

Season 2 I also felt lacked depth in it's story line which is it's biggest downfall for me. Whilst it still is a great interactive comic I have to consider value for money hence why I scored it just above average.
Batman: Arkham City

This was my third attempt at completing this game after finding a ceiling about 3/4 through previously at which I got bored. I persevered this time and ended up really enjoying it on the whole, but there was also a fair bit I didn't like.


  • The game looks incredible and is very well presented. The character models and environments are beautiful. The perfect balance in presentation which helps to really pull you in.
  • The world. Arkham City is pretty big, and is fun to explore.
  • Good story with interesting characters. A lot of the characters were well introduced and integrated well, which was quite a feat considering the length of the game and the size of the world.
  • Combat is really good, with chaining combos really fun. There were negatives about the combat as well though.
  • Lots of different gadgets and moves that re fun to experiment with. You can find a use for pretty much everything and using your gadgets to uncover more secrets is a lot of fun.
  • Stealth can be very interesting as well by scoping out the scene and planning how to take people out.
  • Performance was excellent. I also found a really good Sweetfx config that made it look really great(though it already did)
  • No more GFWL

  • I personally didn't really like the controls. Lots of different buttom combinations that are a bit overkill, and movement is sometimes quite awkward.
  • Terrible FOV
  • Sometimes overwhelming you with enemies seems a little cheap, and the controls do not help with that either. I did find that countering sometimes didn't work when there were lots of enemies.
  • Linked to that possibly, I found that about 3/4 of the way in, and this might just be my imagination, the game suddenly got a lot harder for no apparent reason...almost like it was made harder to do things such as counter. As I said, abut 3/4 in I suddenly found that counter was working sporadically, enemies had far too much health, buttons seemed less responsive. Weird
  • Game over screen for being spotted:mad: Game over screen for failing an objective:mad::mad:...try and save a doctor for example, you fail and she gets killed. Game over, do it again until you get it right. What is wrong with living with your failure? I hate this mechanic, and despair with the way it is becoming the norm. I hate to say it, but it seems like a console thing tbh.
  • A few boss fights were poor.
  • Too linear in places and not enough scope to do your own thing. It also does something I don't like which is introduce a mechanic, show you how to use it, and then never let you actually do it on your own. Scanning crime scenes for example. I only did it when the game told me to.

Overall I thought it was a very good game. The gameplay is not brilliant, and slightly restricting, but the presentation of the game is top notch and it turns out to be a very good experience overall. 8/10
Aliens Colonial Marines: Stasis interupted DLC

-Bridges the gap in the story to a very good standard, explains the plot twist in the original game whilst also explaining some key parts of alien 3 which are left to the imagination.
-Graphics are actually pretty tasty, with some truly excellent environments, especially compared to the standard game which has drab level design
-The coop works extremely well and hicks can actually kill things on his own, unlike the guy from the original storyline...
-Theres a section were you have to go through the ventilation system, just like in Aliens :D Absolutely oozed with tension at that section with the motion tracker going crazy!
-More of a horror feel to it, instead of a borefest like the main story.
-The audio logs provide some excellent incite into plugging the plot holes in the original storyline

-4 missions which took me and a friend around 2 1/2 hours to complete on soldier difficulty.
-Harder difficulties would be very unforgiving as the game uses the stalker alien far more than the main story ever did.
-Still men to shoot at, throughout each of the missions. Its bloody annoying, but thankfully this time theres aliens also there for a 3 way battle in most of those encounters.

Rating - 8/10

TDLR - The first DLC I've ever played where its FAR BETTER than the original game in all areas!
Assassins Creed: Black Flag 8/10

Got this free with my GTX780. I thought this was a excellent game. The graphics are superb, loved the gameplay, especially at sea. Never played any of this series before so was pleasantly surprised. It would have got 9/10 if it wasn't for the pointless modern day research rubbish. I just couldn't wait for them to finish so i could get back into the game. Thankfully there were only a few of these bits in the whole game. First game where i have collected everything and completed every mission for a long time.
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