The last game you completed, and rating.

Assassins Creed: Black Flag

Technically the best game I have played(780 GTX). Awesome gameplay and scope, completed story but I could return and pick up some bits and pieces I ain't collected and upgrade my ship for more awesome sea battles.

One word: EPIC

Forget GTA V, this is a far more interesting world, and technically, on a decent graphics card, blows everything else I've seen out of the water!

9/10 something lets it down a tad, but I won't say, just play it!
I got about 75% of the way through Stalker:SOC running the Autumn Aurora 2 mod before I lost my saves :( :( It's an amazing experience and ridiculously difficult on the hardest setting (think Dark Souls). The mod creates an amazing atmosphere and had me freaked out quite a few times.
Assassins Creed: Black Flag

Technically the best game I have played(780 GTX). Awesome gameplay and scope, completed story but I could return and pick up some bits and pieces I ain't collected and upgrade my ship for more awesome sea battles.

One word: EPIC

Forget GTA V, this is a far more interesting world, and technically, on a decent graphics card, blows everything else I've seen out of the water!

9/10 something lets it down a tad, but I won't say, just play it!

I just can't believe this. I felt the complete opposite in every way.... I can't grasp how you could think the gameplay is 'awesome' :p... I thought it was completely dire. Crawl around in some bushes, oh you've been seen, game over and do it again for some reason... Rinse, repeat. Truly awful!
I would have preferred the weapon and inventory system from the first game.

There's one major problem with the inventory in ME1 - basically to be 'efficient' you have to keep constantly checking every gun/upgrade you pick up (well OK... not quite every one as you start to learn which are rubbish from the names) and compare it with what your party members have to see if it is worth swapping over (and since I always want the best gun, often it has a 'domino effect' of needing to swap items for several characters). Essentially it 'needs' to be heavily micro-managed which takes you away from the game quite a lot.
I finished ID's Rage yesterday. My rating would be 6 out of 10.

This rating has a lot to do with the fact that I didn't really expect to finish it, at least not so soon. I made sure that I completed all available missions, and in fact I was just getting geared up to fighting the ominous 'Authority' at long last, when the game just ended and the credits started rolling. The game is much too short. Here you get to the utterly surprising sudden cut-off, whereas, say in Borerlands 1 and 2 for example, the games at this stage just start to get going, and then just keep on going.

I played the game on normal difficulty level, perhaps that was a mistake, because I found it much too easy, and I can't be bothered starting again on a harder level, because there's just not enough variety to justify that. The game has a reasonable amount of weapons, I suppose, but in the end you only need a few of them. I got through the whole game by just using just a shotgun, a sniper rifle, and an SMG. The BFG you get just minutes away from the ending doesn't really count, and anyway it works just like a big machine gun.

One last thing that really brings the rating down: the game is incredibly rails. There's no chance of getting lost or having a choice of anywhere to go. Apart from having a choice of several missions, these are all as rails as it gets, and this I find to be very disappointing. Invisible barriers everywhere.

Anyway, there are 2 main parts to the game: the story mode and the car races (3rd person view). I've just dealt with the story part, now as for the races I must say in advance that I'm not really into those in general. But what we have here is just strange, even in my admittedly low experience. The cars bounce around, skid about in an unlikely manner, seem to inflict and receive random amounts of damage, and even after having got used to the controls, are just not that much fun. But I must be very clear about this: my rating doesn't take the racing component into account that would be unfair because of my personal dislike of the genre. The racing part is not essential here; in fact it sticks out of an ID game as a bit of a sore thumb.

The graphics are quite varied, carrying the apocalyptic atmosphere quite well, even if they are a bit cartoony. The opponents are not very varied, after a short while you've seen them all and any new ones are just variations. I can't really see where the 21 G hard drive space goes to.

If the game hadn't ended so suddenly, I don't think I'd have played it much further, there are more interesting and varied games out there. The Borderlands series, for instance.
GTA V - 9/10
Mass Effect 3 - 8/10 (# 2 was the pinnacle of the series for me)

Agree with the comments on Deus Ex: HR - one of the best games ever made...even if it becomes more of a shooter towards the end.
Medal of Honor: Warfighter - 8/10

You're placed into some excellent scenarios but I think the biggest appeal is the mere knowledge that the raids were so realistic that NAVY SEAL Team 6 advisors were reprimanded and even docked pay for providing tactics and disclosing real life raids reinacted in the game.

It's hardly an incredible story but seriously good fun. It also, hands down, has the best graphics in any modern day fighter I've played to date.

Such a shame the MP aspect of the game was killed from the start, so it wasn't really purchased by many since it was obvious that servers wouldn't be populated for too long. I still have the odd game here and there and absolutely love the buddy system which gives you a constant view of your buddy and even outlines the player that kills them for some sweet revenge.
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South Park - The Stick Of Truth.


Fantastic game only let down by pointless QTEs. Very funny from start to finish and just about the right duration. A must for SP fans.
Hotline miami

One of the best games i have played in a long time and a true challenge .Looks like an old skool nes game but the gameplay is incredible

Shadow warrior 9/10

One of the most under rated games of 2013.
+great story
+great level design
+great sword combat
+great graphics
+very good amount of game time

-performance some settings just eat way your system.
I finished ID's Rage yesterday. My rating would be 6 out of 10.

This rating has a lot to do with the fact that I didn't really expect to finish it, at least not so soon. I made sure that I completed all available missions, and in fact I was just getting geared up to fighting the ominous 'Authority' at long last, when the game just ended and the credits started rolling. The game is much too short. Here you get to the utterly surprising sudden cut-off, whereas, say in Borerlands 1 and 2 for example, the games at this stage just start to get going, and then just keep on going.

I played the game on normal difficulty level, perhaps that was a mistake, because I found it much too easy, and I can't be bothered starting again on a harder level, because there's just not enough variety to justify that. The game has a reasonable amount of weapons, I suppose, but in the end you only need a few of them. I got through the whole game by just using just a shotgun, a sniper rifle, and an SMG. The BFG you get just minutes away from the ending doesn't really count, and anyway it works just like a big machine gun.

One last thing that really brings the rating down: the game is incredibly rails. There's no chance of getting lost or having a choice of anywhere to go. Apart from having a choice of several missions, these are all as rails as it gets, and this I find to be very disappointing. Invisible barriers everywhere.

Anyway, there are 2 main parts to the game: the story mode and the car races (3rd person view). I've just dealt with the story part, now as for the races I must say in advance that I'm not really into those in general. But what we have here is just strange, even in my admittedly low experience. The cars bounce around, skid about in an unlikely manner, seem to inflict and receive random amounts of damage, and even after having got used to the controls, are just not that much fun. But I must be very clear about this: my rating doesn't take the racing component into account that would be unfair because of my personal dislike of the genre. The racing part is not essential here; in fact it sticks out of an ID game as a bit of a sore thumb.

The graphics are quite varied, carrying the apocalyptic atmosphere quite well, even if they are a bit cartoony. The opponents are not very varied, after a short while you've seen them all and any new ones are just variations. I can't really see where the 21 G hard drive space goes to.

If the game hadn't ended so suddenly, I don't think I'd have played it much further, there are more interesting and varied games out there. The Borderlands series, for instance.

for all its massive faults, BORDERLANDS 2 is still one of the best shooters around, but maybe its faults are what makes it so entertaining, not sure

Rage?.....Rage fails without even bothering to play it, just read the reviews first.

the best future Borderlands would be the gaming mechanics/weapons of the 1st game, but with the size/variety of Borderlands 2
for all its massive faults, BORDERLANDS 2 is still one of the best shooters around, but maybe its faults are what makes it so entertaining, not sure

Rage?.....Rage fails without even bothering to play it, just read the reviews first.

the best future Borderlands would be the gaming mechanics/weapons of the 1st game, but with the size/variety of Borderlands 2

It did drop significantly in price (less than a quid) so it was worth a purchase but blimey what a load of boring crap... I even tried twice to get through it. How was Carmack of all people able to dish out something this bad to the public?!?! The graphics were seriously awful. The guy is amazing.

In Borderlands, are you just spending more time searching bins than actually being in combat? What did you like about the combat mechanics in the first? I can't help but imagine the combat mechanics to be like Mass Effect 1 which isn't a good thing.
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BL2 is far superior to BL1, BL1 didn't even illicit a second playthrough with a different class from me, whereas I have played through BL2 3 times now.
Its a game best played with some friends, the world of pandora is massive, plenty to explore and bazillions of guns to find as well as tweaking your characters skill trees. Get bored? Crank the difficulty right up, grab 3 mates and go at terramorphous :D

Have 300 hours logged on BL2, completed it around 10 times with various characters, none of my vault hunters at this moment in time are below lvl55 :cool:

So yeah, I would recommend it, probably the best game I've played this decade so far.
I'll probably pick it up when the GOTY edition drops in price, can't believe how much DLC is available but how on earth would you even use 50% of it... ah replays.
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