The last game you completed, and rating.

CoD : MW3 - 9/10.

Crysis 2 : 8/10

Currently enjoying Deus EX HR, Skyrim and Saints Row 3. Not had much time to get into any of them so have only skimmed the surface of all three.
Just completed Dungeon Siege III, 31 hours playthrough with Treasures of the Sun.


Great fun, fantasy cheese fest. :)

I honestly don't understand why this game has been slated so much. I thought it was epic. It gets a bit easy towards the end once you have loads of enchantments and crazy gear but the whole game was a thoroughly enjoyable experience with an XBOX360 pad. Some of the boss fights were absolutely crazy and it felt like an achievement when I managed to defeat them.

The combat controls were not that intuitive from the start which is my only real complaint.

I'm likely to do another playthrough in the near future. :)
Skyrim: finished all quests i could find barring 6 Misc quests which i cant finsh as they are bugged.


finally stopped going back after 187.5 hours - honestly don't know how people go to 200+ hours though - there isn't *that*much to do.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3


Just what I expected really. Now playing Special Ops which is even better than the single player! :)
Dead Space 2 - 9/10

Epic, gory, scary game with a cracking ending.
I was hooked from start to finish.

Cant wait for Dead Space 3!
Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness - 9/10 - Loved every minute of it. While the story isn't anything to write home about, the characters and voice acting are just so well done. Moving on to the 2nd one before the 3rd is out on Friday for the Vita!
I never judge a game on graphics, as for the rest of what you have mentioned I feel the first one beat it in every area.

Actually, I found the combat in TW2 to be an immense improvement, once I managed to get over the initial fit of rage from not just being able to click my way through every fight!

Overall I'd say they are on a par. I enjoyed both, but the second was a bit too short for my liking, that's the only thing that let it down. Oh, and Poker was better in the first game, how the hell did they manage to mess that up in TW2!?
Mount and Blade: Warband 8/10

When I say completed I mean I retired my character after starting my own kingdom and wiping out 2 factions I was at war with. I could have went after the rest but we were at relative peace :)
Space Marine,

This is a good game, Tho it did not go on for as long as I hoped about 7hour play time on single player that left me feeling like another 2/3 hours wouldnt go a miss, Theres a lot of weapons and upgrades the fighting is fun "button bashing" with a little bit of skill also a good story line.

I have not dived into the multiplayer side of this game I hear good things about it but I only brought this for the single player.

Overall I'd say 7/10 a good game just lacking a little and needed bit more on single player.
Metro 2033 10/10 – Best single player story mode since HL2

Tomb Raider Anniversary 8/10 – Very clever adaptation of the original tomb raider on PS1/PC, very nostalgic, however a little bit too easy.

My 2 cents on a couple of other reviews –

Someone gave amnesia the dark decent 9.5/10….cmon…opinions are opinions and I admit the game is good, very original and atmospheric, but it’s stupidly easy and you basically don’t do anything apart from walk around a castle with a lantern the whole game (7/10 IMO).

GTA IV was a shocking let down. Every GTA until this one was amazing; this was an average game at best. Story and game play were both poor (6/10).
Mass Effect 2 PC - 9/10
Was very good but side quests were rubbish like delivering messages... yawn.

Metal Gear Solid 3 HD Collection PS3 - 10/10
Loved it to bits. This has to be Konami's greatest game so far.
Someone gave amnesia the dark decent 9.5/10….cmon…opinions are opinions and I admit the game is good, very original and atmospheric, but it’s stupidly easy and you basically don’t do anything apart from walk around a castle with a lantern the whole game (7/10 IMO).

Next you'll be telling me you finished it with clean underwear. :eek: one of the best and unique gaming experiences I've ever had.
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