The last game you completed, and rating.

Mafia II 8.5/10 - I found it really sucked me in and got me hooked, would have been higher but the storyline was a little to short for my liking.

Saints Row 3 9/10 - Absolutely brilliant fun !
Mirror's Edge: 8/10. Picked it up in the christmas sale. Really short, stupid cutscenes, but that game was awesome, and I'm not even sure why. High hopes for Mirror's Edge 2 (that's still coming out, right?).

Hard Reset: 6/10. Story was incomprehensible, I think I mutated into some sort of robot at the end, although frankly I wasn't paying attention. Shooting was awesome, but the environments were all exactly the same and having different "modes" on the same two weapons was a little boring. I hope they do a sequel though, because if these problems were fixed, it would be the best shooter in a long time.

Chrono Trigger DS: 9/10 I was heading away for a few weeks, and my PSP needed repairs, so I dusted off my DS and picked up this. I had never played Chrono Trigger and I love JRPG's.

There is obviously a lot of nostalgic hype for this game, coming solely from people who played in their youth, but honestly, I found it remarkably enjoyable, probably because I haven't played a JRPG for years. Playing the sequel after finding a copy on ebay now, because why not.
Next you'll be telling me you finished it with clean underwear. :eek: one of the best and unique gaming experiences I've ever had.

The reason I gave it that was because it combined puzzles, atmosphere, story, horror, and beauty in a way I'd never seen before. Unique as blasphemy said.
And because it made me **** myself multiple times :(
Metro 2033 10/10 – Best single player story mode since HL2

Someone gave amnesia the dark decent 9.5/10….cmon…opinions are opinions and I admit the game is good, very original and atmospheric, but it’s stupidly easy and you basically don’t do anything apart from walk around a castle with a lantern the whole game (7/10 IMO).

Metro in the same sentence as HL2?

And not `getting` Amnesia?

I don`t like you :D
Well Dwarf Fortress i've been playing for a year...

There isn't a scale that could handle the score it deserves, so I won't bother!
The last game I completed was Dark Souls (for the 4th time).

10/10, superb game.

The last game I completed for the first time was was Kingdoms of Amalur.

7/10 Very good game, let down slightly by a little too much running from place to place and a rather indirect approach to story telling.
fallout 3 new vegas, 8/10 still had a lot of quests to do, but wanted to finish it so i could start playing the witcher, will go back to it when i can get all the addons for cheapish :)
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