The last game you completed, and rating.

Legend of Grimrock, 9/10. I would have given it full marks but I thought it was slightly weaker nearer the end. I played through with a minotaur and human fighter, as well as two insectoid mages.

Straight after finishing it, I immediately started playing through on hard difficulty. For the second run, I've elected to use two human fighters, one insectoid mage and a human rogue.
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Trine - 7/10 Did enjoy the game and now have Trine 2 to play with. Parts were a bit repetitive but it's a beautiful looking game and good to pass the time if you like platformers.

Sorry to bump a quiet thread but it's a shame it has been so slow in here. I quite like seeing what people think of games that they are playing....
Well, after playing it for over a year, I have finally completed Assassins Creed 2. Quite an interesting twist on the story actually, can't wait to get started on Brotherhood. I would give it 8/10 - a decent game, but the controls can be a little frustrating sometimes.
Mass Effect 3 - 7.5/10. Storyline as ever was excellent up until THAT ending.

Deus EX:HR. 9/10. After initially slating this game to high heaven I have to admit to having to eat a huge slice of humble pie. Stunning game, storyline and twists are superb.

Crysis 2. 7/10. Nice graphics, pretty weak gameplay. Much much much better than my previous experience of this game on 360.
Bullet Storm 8/10 - Was a heck of a lot better then RAGE and it was frantic fun pretty much all of the time... Graphics were ok, and it ran silky smooth from start to finish. Can see why so many developers use the unreal engine.

Dirt 3 9/10 - would have loved to have given this a 10 however those stupid gymkhana or whatever events took away from the rally and rally cross events. Graphics were superb, the driving was excellent and codemasters need this team on the next F1 game..

Batman Arkham City 9/10 - but I'm not liking to give this 9 as DX11 is just so broken. The game is fantastic and looks fantastic and lots to do, story is a little short however its still a very, very good game.
Diablo 3 - 6.5/10. It's ok but after the initial "this is fun" it gets very rinse and repeat.

Did you play through all the levels?

3/4 through nightmare and it's much better than the initial normal level, much harder. Then again you have to like this sort of game.
Dirt 3 9/10 - would have loved to have given this a 10 however those stupid gymkhana or whatever events took away from the rally and rally cross events. Graphics were superb, the driving was excellent and codemasters need this team on the next F1 game..

I was looking forward to the gymkhana when it first came out and grew to hate it to the point, when i lost my save, getting back into a series of games I love is much harder.

Just finished Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY, not a huge fan of the comic/graphic novels but story line was intriguing and can only imagine how awesome it would look using a 3D setup.

Well worth the £3 odd I got it for a few sales ago.
Dead Space 2 8/10 - Very good game, I did not play the first game but might pick it up cheap at some point. Well worth the £3.75 paid.
Portal 2: 8.5/10
I just finished the Co-Op, so i am finally ready from it (I had finished the SP ages ago). SP is a bit worse that number 1. I feel they lost the eeiry feeling, but its still a great game. Just a bit worse than the first one. Co-Op was amazing. I mean, I used to pray that my parter was on when I was, as I felt addicted :D You really need to think in a few sections of it. Amazing. Also, the achievements are hard enough, but not impossible

Sniper Elite V2: 7.5/10
For me, it was something new. It is a bit short, but it was great while it lasted. The story was a bit boring + predictable, but I liked the game mechanicals a lot. Playing it on hardest difficulty is fun. Co-op is a tad boring imo, not much to do. Multiplay is a bit too slow for my likings. It also is a lag fest. If you remove the lag, and get good with the sniper, then it will be a blast. Still pretty good.
Diablo 3 6/10
I had not played the previous diablo games so my expectations were probably elevated due to all the hype surrounding the game.
I was expecting addictive game play, essential co operative game play, random dungeons and a decent storyline.

Ok to the first point, when I say addictive gameplay I'm talking about wow standards. As an ex player I expected the game to make me want to gear up / grind etc but it just didn't happen. I suspect that is due to the lack of other people to interact with. Sure I could gear up but at the end of the day it didn't really matter as there was no one to really show, there just didn't seem to be any competitive gameplay. That and the fact that any child and his mother could have achieved the same thing I did.

Second point, from various bits of information around the web I expected heavy co op play. Yes this is present but it is not neccesary in anyway, co op really does offer you little advantage apart from grinding faster. You could argue this is a good thing but I assure you it is far from it. I felt no inclination to play with others. The few friends I had that do play were either too busy, playing with someone else or were just bored of it after completing it once. I fall into the last category I suppose. I did give public games a go but no one seemed to speak or they would run off in random directions.

Third point, the dungeons aren't random. This was the feature I anticipated the most! Go through the dungeons a couple of times and you soon realise there are roughly 5 variations! I think yahtzee put it correctly when he compared it to lego. Very dissapointed with that.

Fourth point, the story line was fun. Once. I didn't expect to enjoy it over and over again. I didn't expect the devs to cleverly introduce some sort of story manipulation system. What I did expect was fun, not just any fun, co op fun. I didn't find it.

This is how I see diablo 3. Picture yourself in a poor country, you gain a job. Said job is exciting and new on the first day. The next day you realise the monotony of said job. Third day you realise you are actually in a sweat shop producing calvin klein underwear.

Forgive me for my lack of articulation. :(
Completed Half Life 2 last week its taken me 6 years to complete, great game must have for every PC owner 10/10
Deus Ex Human Revolution 4/10

This game failed to deliver on what I feel are realistic expectations in a modern PC game... It just felt antiquated and lacked compulsion to play through, If I'd paid for it I'd have asked for a refund...
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