The last game you completed, and rating.

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, again... loving it still.

love this game!!! though.... not completed it personally :o can't even remember where I last got up to. first time think the HDD went, then when I was playing again the thing overheated and got the yellow light of doom so sent off to be fixed and they wiped the ps3 :( so then I lost the will to live a bit.

I love the msg games but I'm so spack handed with controllers and usually find myself getting spotted because I was holding the stick at the wrong angle so pop out of cover and such.

watched the game to completion make times on twitch though ;) LOVE IT!
Hitman Absolution on Professional difficulty - 8/10

I loved some of the earlier missions but I found towards the end I was having to "brute force" the level to complete it as there were so few save points and I was losing patience. I just ended up shooting people and running away a lot. I reckon a lower difficulty I'd enjoy much more, especially with save points making it easier to experiment and explore without having to reload the whole level each time.

I've very nearly completed Tropico 4 so that's next.
Enemy Front.

Nothing startling or anything that stands out but a fun little game nonetheless. I love anything WWII related and we've had a bit of a lack of offerings of games from this genre of late so I jumped at the chance to play this despite some mediocre reviews.

8-Bit Commando

'80s style contra-like platform shooter. A bit on the short side as it only took me a little shy of 2 hours on "normal" difficulty (choose easy/normal). If you were to do it without dying, you'd get through in about 20 mins. Plays quite well, looks decent enough (easier on the eye than Contra, but not as immaginative - a bit bland)

Fun, though. Except the annoying ubiquitous '80s-arcade-scroller feature of the driving level.

Wouldn't pay full Steam price, but got it from Indie Gala as part of a bundle and easily got my money's worth.

Assassin's Creed IV black flag


My first Creed game. Possibly my last, unless of course the series go back to the seas. While the action on foot was okay, it was sailing around the open world I really enjoyed. The naval combat was great. The story was pretty good and I was quite impressed with the characters and voice acting.

The ship controls were very well done and combat was very satisfying, more so when I applied a few ship upgrades. Very nice taking down my first Man of War. I also made the effort to acquire money through the Ipad app.

The city sections were okay, but I was not a fan of the Eavesdrop missions. Once in combat it was just a case of button mashing with counter attacks.

The Abstergo sections were nothing more than a chore. Thankfully they only cropped up on a few occasions.
Bit Trip Runner Future Legend of Rhythm Alien - finally finished the last world - so much fun (and sometimes frustration.) Looks and sounds great, has its own style and humour and has to be king of rhythm games. Well worth it at full price but if you can get it in a sale or bundle then its a bargain.
Metro 2033

Finally got round to completing this having started and stopped several times, glad I did as a great game and graphically great (from when it was made!)

Give it a solid 9/10

Onto Last Light for me now which despite looking even better runs a lot smoother
Recently completed 2 very good games.

South Park: Stick of Truth - Easily the funniest game I've ever played and it's a better RPG than most. If you're a fan of the series than it's a must have game. If you don't know the show then you'll still find a good game, but most of the references will go over your head. 9/10

The Banner Saga - Very surprised by this. Got it on the summer steam sale, it's very well written and you really do feel a sense of growing despair and struggle across the Viking fantasy world. I couldn't stop playing once I'd started. I immediately started a new game once I completed it. The music, choices to make, script and characters are all very good. It's not perfect, it lacks imagination on the enemy designs and the gameplay is quite limited. But for a kickstarter game they did what they set out to do very, very well. Really looking forward to The Banner Saga 2 and 3. 7.5/10
Deus ex hr. 6/10.
Fun but I did find myself getting bored at times. I wouldn't want to play through it again.
Now started the incredible adventers of van helsing which I'm liking so far
Far Cry 3 - wasn't fussed on it at first but after a while I really enjoyed it. I decided to go off and do all the side stuff until I got bored then I'd go back to the story and move it forward a bit. 8/10
Assassin's Creed IV black flag


My first Creed game.

You need to play the first & 2nd, they were fantastic. ;)
Felt like a proper assassin back then!

Hitman Absolution on Professional difficulty - 8/10

I loved some of the earlier missions but I found towards the end I was having to "brute force" the level to complete it as there were so few save points and I was losing patience. I just ended up shooting people and running away a lot. I reckon a lower difficulty I'd enjoy much more, especially with save points making it easier to experiment and explore without having to reload the whole level each time.

I'm currently playing on HARD, and some of the missions present a challenge! So frustrating getting so far and then you get caught stupidly and cover has been blown. I'm trying to do it without being seen, so constantly restarting checkpoints/level costing me more and more hours aha.
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