The last game you completed, and rating.

Sniper Elite V2 - 7/10
It was really pretty, but relatively short and felt a lot more like corridor running than the original.

Metro Last Light - 8/10
Interesting game, good shooter, very atmospheric and pretty.
The Wolf Among Us - based on the Fables comic books. Fantastic story, quality graphics, great sound and voice acting.

Not sure what to make of the ending yet - need to play it again.

Finally finished Limbo as well - excellent puzzle platformer.
just finished the wolf among us. pretty fun while it lasted, like the walking dead i played all episodes back to back, but compared to walking dead which i made last 12 hours not even including the 400 days dlc, wolf among us only took 7 hours, each episode taking no much more than an hour, no hubs or randon stuff to click on like TWD and always 100% obvious how to progress, if id played each episode as it came out i probably would have been disapointed! 7/10
Deus Ex: HR - 5/10

I'm guessing the love for this game stems purely from nostalgia? Playing it as a Deus Ex virgin; it looked good graphically, story seemed to concentrate on detail rather than enjoyment, had a few interesting mechanics but left me asking "what was all the hype about?"

I could be just a victim of preconception but it's definitely not a must play game, especially if you're new to the series.
Deus Ex: HR - 5/10

I'm guessing the love for this game stems purely from nostalgia?

I personally think that a game that gives you real freedom is always gonna find a lot of love...Not from every area of course, but even if I didn't like it overall I would have to applaud any game for that. In HR you get to play the way you want to, and that has got to appeal to many.
Watch_Dogs 8/10

Needed to be a much better port, had to reinstall it to stop it crashing and Ubisoft support was useless. Good game, story a little bad at the end but wasn't the worst. I liked that it was slightly different for a open world shooter with stealth and interactive environments.
This, AC2 was probably the peak for me. Only because not being able to swim in the first one got frustrating after a while :p

I agree with you, it was also my first assassin's creed that I played so that might have something to do with it. Worst in the series was the first and third, Brotherhood wasn't that good either but with Black Flag things might be looking up again :)
The Wolf Among Us - 9/10
I had no idea what the story involved or the characters before going into as I waited for the whole series to be released, both thankfully turned out to be awesome! The voice acting was excellent from everyone too. Only disappointment was that it was a little shorter than I hoped coming in just over 8 hours. Hope they make another.
Wolfenstein New Order 5/10

First off getting this game to run at a solid 60 was a pain. No sli support and you could only apply AA through the console command. After a few hours playing I got the settings just right with AA x4 and a mix of high and max settings and the game did look decent at times except the DOF is just stupid, at times I couldn't see enemies in the distance who were shooting at me.

The game was just really boring and flat in places. I enjoyed the action, it felt good but there just wasn't enough, it just felt really empty. Crap like ''find the grinder'' or ''give the documents to Anya'' etc was just a waste of game time in my opinion. It just gave you a little bit of action followed by cut scenes, pointless wandering about and characters you couldn't really care about.

The sound was flat, it had no zing, no excitement, no volume to it.

Not a bad game but not a good game. Iv'e done one playthrough with Fergus and I'm not going through it again with Wyatt.
The game could have been much better.
The Wolf Among Us.

I enjoyed the characters and story(mostly), but overall I left slightly disappointed.


  • Great story and characters that totally nail the source material.
  • Seems like there were a lot of ways it could play out
  • Interesting twist in the end, though at this point it could still fall on it's face. Not thought it through yet.


  • Truly awful gameplay as expected...Button mash, QTE, hold up etc.
  • Unbelievably you can't turn off story notifications. Very, very strange and a really bad decision, which imo is used to manipulate gamers in to thinking it is more complex than it is...Oh, right Snow will remember this will she? I saw no evidence of that, just a message in the top corner of the screen
  • Some episodes were too short.
  • Though I played it through all-in-one, having to wait so long for the people who waited, for often such little content, and no reall gameplay is weak.
  • I encountered a bug quite a few times where all options would come up blank.
I enjoyed it, but I can't give a game with such atrocious gameplay more than 7, and for my other problems I am going to have to mark it down to a 6/10
the incredible adventures of van helsing 8/10
had a lot of fun playing this game. reminded me how much i used to enjoy playing rpg's.
a nice break from fps games.
Dragon Age 2 8.5/10
Very good story involving quite a bit of fantasy politics. Had the game since release but didn't grab me like Origins did which I completed in the first week it came out. The combat aint bad, its just different from origins. I bought all the dlc for it, which I think fleshed it out a lot more. Graphics look really good still with the high texture patch. Very dark game with a bit of humour and of course romance, it is a Bioware game.
Cant wait for Inquisition, as the saves carry on like mass effect, but hopefully with more consequences. Would love to know or see how my characters are getting:)
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