Not really PC games but console section is crap
Batman Arkham Origins.
+Looks and runs great (Q6600, 4gb, 5850, mechanical hdd.)
+Combat is so much fun. So fast and fluid.
+Boss fights were pretty epic (as they were in the previous games.)
+Voice over actors did fantastic again. Especially Joker.
-Ran into a few bugs - mainly npc's stuck on walls, unable to use ladders etc.
-Too similar to the previous games.
-Average story.
-Story mode perhaps a little short.
Probably need to give Bioshock Infinite a go, or maybe Dishonored next.
That's a really accurate summary.
I just removed this from my PC in frustration. There didn't seem to be a method to continue the main story and I was merely searching for Enigma boxes around the city... turns out I'd completed it!![]()
Unsure if it was a bug but there weren't any credits at all.
X-Com Enemy Unknown, it kept me just as riveted as the original back in the nineties. Thoroughly recommended.
Before that was Dishonored, which frankly is a bargain right now and probably in my top ten games ever..this from someone who's been gaming since 1983.
Its too slow paced for the MP to work. Plus the game is designed so that your natural instinct from the start is to Turtle Up.Settlers 7....had fun playing this but the MP is pretty much dead....I got it for £3 so I would say 7/10