The Last of Us (HBO, from Creator of Chernobyl) - No game spoilers please

Ep 7 done.

Some are whinging that it was a boring episode, but i enjoyed it. If you have played TLOU 1, Left Behind is the DLC, although i think the game did it better, the TV episode did it justice.

I don't what all the fuss is about was the last episode not accurate or something? I haven't played or know anything about the game but thought it was ok?

Exactly this. I'm watching it with my Mrs who hasn't played the game, so i knew what was coming (and was ok with this) but she didn't. So this was new and fresh to her, the origin of how Ellie got bit and why she is the way she is. People here need to realise that the TV show is for the masses, not for those who played the game, so they have to tell the whole story. I preferred how the game handled it better, but the episode was still very good - no water pistols though :( Funny that Ellie mentioned them, that was a deffo nod to us gamers!

However, with only 2 episodes left, there is still a lot left of the original game story to tell - not sure how they are going to fit all that in :(

As for the Moon Cup debate, maybe some of you didn't know what it is because it is mainly a US thing. But as for the comments, "Why would she need such a thing?" Even in the military when away on Ops, the females need sanitary products - lots of US military females use them, you don't suddenly stop bleeding because of an apocalypse.
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I never played the second game because I felt it was going to ruin the characters from the first.

It really did. Ridiculous what they did to Joel and especially to Ellie. 2 characters we saw develop and give hope in a dystopian world, 1 dead and 1 become something Joel would have hated to see. Ellie became his daughter and to see her become the villain - i was gutted :(

I get Abby was super ******, but no need to ruin 2 great characters :( I would have preferred serious damage to Joel (he did kill her dad) and Ellie not going full psycho. I liked the redemption arc at the end, but by then Joel was dead and Ellie was a shadow of her former self.

I hope S2 doesn't follow the game to the letter :(
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Much better episode.
But it really feels like they're rushing things.

THIS is the story we needed. Creepy David and her capture and then escape over 2 episodes.

Not 2 hours of time wasted in previous episodes on stuff that DOES.NOT.MATTER (or at least it doesn't matter to the tune of 120 minutes)
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Much better episode.
But it really feels like they're rushing things.

THIS is the story we needed. Creepy David and her capture and then escape over 2 episodes.

Not 2 hours of time wasted in previous episodes on stuff that DOES.NOT.MATTER (or at least it doesn't matter to the tune of 120 minutes)

Doesn't matter to you. The series isn't just aimed at you and certainly isn't aimed just at people who played the game.
Enjoyed that, but yes, did feel a bit rushed.

Where was the rest of the group when the screaming started and the lodge was burning down though?!

I also think the creepy David from the game was better.
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Enjoyed that, but yes, did feel a bit rushed.

Where was the rest of the group when the screaming started and the lodge was burning down though?!

I also think the creepy David from the game was better.
Completely agree, after playing the game, after seeing the buildup and conclusion I honestly was a bit underwhelmed with this episode, I certainly didn’t think it lived up to the expectations of the game in my opinion in terms of tension, creepiness horror or brutality. Oh well.
It is good on the whole, but certainly seems rushed. One/two run ins with the clickers etc seems rather fortunate. I think game one should have been two seasons on it's own, or a longer single season.
The trouble is the last episode is also going to feel a bit rushed given what's to come also (unless it clocks in around 90 to 120 minutes), given they only had 9 episodes to tell the story from the 1st game they've really shot themselves in the foot with all the filler. A tighter narrative would have been the wiser choice but they went the opposite direction, which is a damn shame.
I actually turned it off half-way through - feel like I've seen all this before :s shame as the first 2 episodes showed really promise of doing something new with the genre.
People asking for 2 season for game 1, what content would they fill it with? The game is barely 14 hours long and most of that is just game stuff like throwing bricks, fetch quests and fighting. Can't get 18 odd hours of TV out of that.
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