The Last of Us (HBO, from Creator of Chernobyl) - No game spoilers please

Following on from my suggestion that we ban Youtube diatribes in the TV threads, perhaps we should also remove users from threads about shows that they don't actually watch?
People have been banned from threads for that before.
FWIW I don't think ep7 was the greatest, but I still enjoyed it. Annoyed we didn't get a 'conclusion' for the Joel situation, though.
She's stitching him up, he'll live :D
Ep7 was far too long for what it was, especially at this point in the series. Perhaps it may have worked better earlier on in the season but breaking away from the current timeline for an hour of that just didn't work for me. Especially as you knew how it all ends up already. For the record I loved Ep3 as it was both well acted and written despite not bringing anything to the actual plot ;).
I watched it, i thought it was ok but was a bit disappointed that they did the DLC bit before the next bit(Not for anything more than i know whats coming) but I can see why, it looks like the next couple of episodes are going to be great and they will be doing the second half of the game in the next season.

It did have me just watching it on in the background rather than properly watching it tho.
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I watched it, i thought it was ok but was a bit disappointed that they did the DLC bit before the next bit(Not for anything more than i know whats coming)
The flashback story element was placed fine, it just progressed better in-game - Ellie goes off to find some medical supplies for Joel, comes across an abandoned mall and flashback ensues. Rather than the non event in the show of flashback and needle and thread found in a drawer..
I liked it at the start, but as the episodes went on I found it very inconsistent. The quality has dropped in the later episodes and I don't have inclination to watch the last two episodes, I will just to see how it ends but yeah.
I'd be very surprised if they carry the first game over two seasons considering where we are now in context.
Well i have no idea how they could wrap the entire rest of the story of the first game up within 2 episodes. I know they are about 3/4 of the way through the first game but what is coming (Storywise) in the next part of the story i can see them ending on a cliff-hanger for the end of the first season.
Still pretty groomerish behavior, switch it up and have Riley be called Bob, a guy thats nearly 17, would the usuals be cheering? Call me jaded but I highly doubt it.

Oh and any reason why you think that

It was an adult grooming a child and if anyone likes this it makes you a pediatrician or peafowl.

Also looks like mushrooms make you gay cos everyone is a gay.

Can we please not adopt this "groomer" nonsense in this country. We get enough **** from America without that nonsense as well.
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Well i have no idea how they could wrap the entire rest of the story of the first game up within 2 episodes. I know they are about 3/4 of the way through the first game but what is coming (Storywise) in the next part of the story i can see them ending on a cliff-hanger for the end of the first season.

Next episode will be David and his crew, will likely end with them escaping and Marlene finding them. The last episode will play out as it does in the game. There's no way they can stretch out what remains of the first game into next season. Just doesn't make any sense.
Next episode will be David and his crew, will likely end with them escaping and Marlene finding them. The last episode will play out as it does in the game. There's no way they can stretch out what remains of the first game into next season. Just doesn't make any sense.

Maybe, but i guess they might do 2 extra long episodes to finish it off. That's the only way i can see them cramming it into whats left of the season.
Can we please not adopt this "groomer" nonsense in this country. We get enough **** from America without that nonsense as well.

Too late, the easily grifted simpletons in the UK are already using it regularly. We have a couple of people on the GD forum who have suggested LGBT people are groomers because they intentionally hijacked and appropriated the rainbow in order to attract kids.

We are basically mini america, imported culture war BS is here to stay :(
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I haven't played the game, but boy oh boy wasn't that a waste of an hours TV?

A 15 min story spun out over a very cringey hour, and obviously from the outset the whole episode was just a build up to a kiss...yawn. This is not groundbreaking any more it is utterly predictable. So poorly written, so cringe, so boring...

The other rainbow-centric episode with the two chaps was quite the opposite, very well told, very well acted, it started off really well with a "survivalist" showing us how he planned to dodge "the man" and how he would do his own thing, how he rigged his little base up etc - that was fiun to watch. There was a much more beleivable relationship too, there was always the fear in the back of your mind that the raiders would show up which always added tension, like this idyllic scene is in peril. If was funny and poignant at times too.

That was a really good hours TV, this weeks episode was very poor and worse, wasteful.
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