So in regards to Abbi, what is it? Is it actually a girl transgendered to a guy? or what? that was the most confusing thing for me. especially in the sex scene when it got bent over, was that because its actually a guy? So confusing.
Are we to believe that a "girl" that was that butch was in fact straight and fancied owen? I really did not understand anything about this characters sexuality, and a lot of stuff in this regard felt cringe worthy..
Also in regards to every other "female" character why were they so ugly? its like the set out to make them all as ugly as possible.
Now im not gay, but owen looked like a fairly good looking dude, but yet he is with Mel who is well.... fugly. and also attracted to Abbi, who is basically a bloke.
Also in regards to trans, the scar "girl" who decided to become a boy and shave her hair. Yet another sexuality thing.
Now im not against anything like this, but when they decide to make all the women into men i have to ask why, and what was the point?
Other then the points above i had no other issues with the game. Just felt like everything was "forced" in regards to LGBT stuff and had no place.