I mean, yeah it’s my GoTG. Everyone’s opinion matters, and everyone is entitled to one. I’m not going to try and shoot someone down for disliking the game. I do however think 6 is too low. It also seems a little disingenuous.The answer to your first question is N/A, I haven't played the game, which is why in both threads I haven't stated my opinion on the game.
I did consider explaining why I ahven't played it, as well as answering your second question but lets be honest, you and the others who consider it a master piece don't care about my answer you're just going to throw insults, and completly irgnore everything i say and the most extreme amongst you will outright lie in future posts.
I think you’re putting yourself down a little there. I’d be interested in what you thought of the game, had you played it. And I most definitely am not going to throw insults.