I know this might be controversial but I'm going to say it: I don't think Naughty Dog are good at combat, in fact I'd almost go as far as to say they're bad at it. Imo the gunplay was bad in the Uncharted games and is average in TLOU2. I'll admit it's not something I noticed in the first one, but it seems more obvious in the second, where there are so many parts where you are very heavily outnumbered. They position Ellie as a stealth focused character but then give you situations where it's incredibly hard to stealth your way through. The characters move in quite a clunky and unresponsive way at times, and imo aiming is awkward, particularly if you've been detected. I feel like they would benefit from an aiming system like Metal Gear, where you can aim over-the-shoulder or go into a first person view.
Also, I get that it's a post-apocalyptic game where supplies are limited, but at times it's ridiculous how few bullets each gun can carry when they expect you to sometimes have to take on half a dozen or more people/infected.
Imo Naughty Dog's strength lies in its writing, characters and world building. I loved the exploration and puzzle elements in Uncharted and found the combat a real bore after a while, and to an extent that's the case in TLOU2 as well.
That's not to say that I'm not enjoying it, but sometimes I have to put the game down earlier than I otherwise would because of how infuriating the combat can be.