The Last of Us Part II

Thank you for letting me know that.

This has the best difficulty options (and others) I have seen in a game you can tailor the experience to pretty much what you want to do. Like to fight better AI but want plenty of ammo, you can do that, don't want to pick up items manually change it to auto, don't want to search all the drawers/rooms you can have a scanner. Its very impressive exactly what you can modify in this game to make it easier/harder, the options make it seem like its a "no one is left behind" game.
Agreed. The options to tailor the difficulty settings are something I never even thought about wanting before, but should now be a standard. It let me play the game on medium difficulty taking survivor levels of damage. Perfect.
I think I'm at about 32 hours of playtime and still going, what an immense game. Enjoying every moment of it it just keeps impressing me in new ways the more I play it.

The people who were convinced after watching/reading spoilers that the rest of us would "see the light" once we started playing it are fools.
I think I'm at about 32 hours of playtime and still going, what an immense game. Enjoying every moment of it it just keeps impressing me in new ways the more I play it.

The people who were convinced after watching/reading spoilers that the rest of us would "see the light" once we started playing it are fools.

Indeed. I think I am around 25 hours in. My emotions on Abby have been a real roller coaster. I am as gripped after 25 hours play as I was at the beginning.
Is that 32/25 hours of slow pacing/exploring or quick rushing encounters?

I'm not slow but I am having a good rummage around after I've cleared an area but this is definitely a lot longer than the first game. I am also reading every note, which I don't normally bother to do.
Same here i reckon my first playthrough is gonna clock in at around 40 hours, altho im not exactly sure where i am in terms of progress.

Theres been more than one occassion where ive thought, ooo thats a good ending, only to see that what i thought was the game coming to an end was simply the beginning of a new chapter :D

Thoroughly enjoying the game, taking my sweet time, exploring as much as i can. Couple of times ive ventured into an area assuming i could backtrack to clear out any loot but found that my return route was now blocked which was a bit annoying.

Story wise i dont think ive been through the ringer as much in recent memory with a game. My opinions have swayed from being pro one side and hating the other to completely flipping and its went back and forth like that as the story unfolds. I also love how the game jumps around in terms of the timeline, think of it like Pulp Fiction where scenes you may see make more sense later on.

Will def replay but i think due to the length of the first playthrough i will need a break from it for a bit.
I'm really enjoying it. I've not had the opportunity to put a massive amount of hours in at the same time, but playing most days since I picked it up a week ago.
I'm not feeling rushed - as I reach an area I'm wanting to go and look in any building I find, not looking for the collectables, but I want to see if there are some more upgrade bits or some ammo.
And boy - if they can do that on a PS4, the future of gaming on a PS5 is gonna be something special.
It turns out you can actually buy the Taylor 314ce guitar seen in the game, with the same fretboard markings, for $2300 + tax! It's quite a mark up from the regular version.
Finished this yesterday clocked in at around 24hrs I didn't rush it and thought I'd explored pretty well.

Turns out I missed quite a few collectables !
I'm a few hours in (just got to the first big city you visit) and I'm really enjoying it. The story and voice acting are both excellent, and the graphics and sound are both superb.
I even had a major part of the early game spoiled on a Youtube video but even though I knew what was going to happen it still got me right in the feels.
Also I've not felt the need to go abuse the actors and developers of this game. Like I'm some kind of normal person :D:p
Also I've not felt the need to go abuse the actors and developers of this game. Like I'm some kind of normal person :D:p

The fringe gaming community are some of the actual worst. Thankfully they do not make up a majority of our numbers.

Most people who play TLOU2 won't have even had the game spoiled for them, let alone care about the voice actors.
I'm about 60% of my way through the 2nd play-through now on hardest difficulty.
And I dunno man... I think I'm burnt out. I'm very tetchy and frustrated when things don't go perfectly.
Its a weird criticism, but does anyone think it's TOO easy to restart an encounter? :D

That's all I'm doing now. Like Tom Cruise in Edge of Tomorrow.
Missed a head-shot? Restart !!
Took some damage? Restart !!
Got spotted while stealthing? Restart !!
I'm about 60% of my way through the 2nd play-through now on hardest difficulty.
And I dunno man... I think I'm burnt out. I'm very tetchy and frustrated when things don't go perfectly.
Its a weird criticism, but does anyone think it's TOO easy to restart an encounter? :D

That's all I'm doing now. Like Tom Cruise in Edge of Tomorrow.
Missed a head-shot? Restart !!
Took some damage? Restart !!
Got spotted while stealthing? Restart !!

That's what I like about. It's like being being a movie director putting cool action sequences together. I don't mind when things go wrong - that can add to it - but the encounter has to look cool.
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I'm about 60% of my way through the 2nd play-through now on hardest difficulty.
And I dunno man... I think I'm burnt out. I'm very tetchy and frustrated when things don't go perfectly.
Its a weird criticism, but does anyone think it's TOO easy to restart an encounter? :D

That's all I'm doing now. Like Tom Cruise in Edge of Tomorrow.
Missed a head-shot? Restart !!
Took some damage? Restart !!
Got spotted while stealthing? Restart !!

Same, i took out every bad guy so i could fully search the area, so if anything went wrong i'd molotov myself and start again. You only went back to the start of the encounter, so no hours wasted getting back to the original starting point.

Not sure if good or bad, but it worked.
I also didn't like the bad guys begging for their lives, first time this happened i thought it was part of the story, so i let them live and walk away. Thinking i'd done a good deed and maybe they would help me out later or set them on a different path etc.

Nah, i turned around and they put a bullet in my head.
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