Thanks for the tesco spot! pre-ordered it myself
Thanks for the tesco spot! pre-ordered it myself
Everyone be careful the ending etc has been leeked online why do people do that! IM staying away from comment sections noelw
ALso naughty dog has released samples of the whole sound track but dont read the song titles as they hint at plot points and other stuff that may be considered spoilers
JUst a heads up
Wow, how annoying for you Some people have too much time on their hands.
just read the last page og this thread, take it it's safe to read the rest of the thread now with no spoilers or whatever the problem is/was ?
Yeah this thread should be fine mate, nothing bad posted yet.
I vote we ask for bans if anyone posts any spoilers that or we just poo through their letterboxes.
My vote is for both.
14th June for this?