The Last Of Us

Well played sir, are you going for the plat or something?

Yeah might as well, got all 3 uncharted plats so it would be rude not to :) The trophies are really glitchy though, missing the optional conversation one even though i definitely got it twice.

Currently playing multiplayer, its going to take ages to get those ones...
Just finished it. Incredible.

I would say it's my favourite game of all time. Absolute masterpiece.

For the record, I completed it without using listen mode once, and all hints off. Come on guys, your meant to be pro gamers. Not amateurs. Lol.

Same here mate on hard with a decent headset made this soo immersive
This game broke my PS3 :( I had an old 40GB version which has been fine since I got it, but Last of Us sent it over the edge. The disk drive got very loud when playing and eventually the disk got stuck and the drive failed(YLOD).

Pretty annoying as I was really enjoying the game and only about 3 hours into it. However, did some looking around on Ebay and found someone selling a PS3 slim locally. Offered £80 and did a deal. Feel like I got a pretty good bargain. :D
Only thing I would have added to the game was the ability to drag bodies.

There is a way to drag, I believe when you initially press triangle on an enemy you can move around with them before you decide to shiv them or choke them out. Can move with a human shield too but I know it's not really what you're looking for. That said I never really had any problems with enemies immediately knowing where I was due to finding a dead comrade. In fact there were a few times where the dead body being out in plain sight can help you sneak around while his friends are distracted gawping at him. :p
One thing I do want to try to recreate is the E3 demo from last year in the hotel. Try as I might throughout the game, I could never seem to get the enemies to behave in a way that allowed me to take them on with guns but pick them off one at a time, they'd always rush or flank. Never had one run away from me to hide either, as happened in the demo.
I noticed that as soon as you had a gun raised, the one's armed with melee weapons would hesitate. Some came and attacked, others ran or stayed on cover.

The game is fantastic and although I haven't finished it yet, I am thoroughly enjoying it :)
I'm going to cut & paste something I've just written elsewhere.

It's been a tricky week in some ways. Some real world events have made me feel like time spent in virtual worlds is even more pointless than I usually do (I should have been Catholic with all this guilt!) And yet... I'm now 16+ hours into The Last of Us. I'm still playing on Easy, I'm still getting to grips with this whole stick waggly finger-fumbly nonsense (I hope that pad on the PS4 controller can be used for mousing), but I no longer feel like I'm playing a game.

Something strange happened along the way. Features like the crafting, and the constant hunting for resources started off as a "been here, done this all before" type affair, but came to feel like an integral part of the plot and experience. I started off thinking this was "just another linear game", with some better than average acting and very impressive artistic and aural flair. But before I knew it that wasn't an issue. Is The Sopranos a totally linear story? Yes. Is The Wire an open world to explore? No.

Obviously those are very grand comparisons to be making, but what I'm getting at is that I feel like I'm participating in an interactive episodic drama series, rather than the usual interactive movie. And a B Movie at best, in the vast majority of cases. Clearly The Last of Us is not really to be compared with the very best of TV drama. But it's not to be compared with the best of normal computer games either. It is much more than that; it's a wonderfully crafted experience which I will certainly never forget.

I'm 68% through. It's Fall. And I'm torn in exactly the same way I get torn as the end of a DVD or Netflix series approaches. I want to finish the journey. But I also want the journey to last forever. At 50 I didn't think a game would ever make me feel like this again. Maybe it's a paternalistic thing. Maybe it's because Joel is an old git like me. Or maybe it's early-onset senility. But I don't care.

Of course I may just be justifying a full price purchase to myself, or getting brainwashed by so many great reviews and the "buzz" which has grown up around this title. But I can also see why Polygon only gave it a 7.5. In some ways the gameplay is both derivative and as flawed as any one of a hundred other forgettable titles. However for me the frantic survival segments, the blessed relief of the exploratory phases, and the genuinely welcome drama in the cut scenes forms a cocktail unlike any gaming kool-aid I've ever drunk before.

Disclaimer: I'm enjoying this so much I've signed up for a year of PS+ because I now need to investigate Naughty Dog's other work, and Uncharted3 is 'free' this month. Given I've played hardly any PS3 titles, and the fact they'll be keen to keep the PS+ deal very sweet for PS3 and eventually PS4 owners, it seems like a very fair deal. But it's quite possible that I have been overcome by a bout of fanboy-ism, from which I will wake before too long.
Finished this morning. Took me just over 18 hours on normal but that was with exploring pretty much everywhere I could go. Loved it, although I kinda wish I'd played on hard instead of normal as I could see the game saying to me:

"You're supposed to stealth through this bit."

But because I had plenty ammo, molotovs, bombs etc, I ended up just blasting my way through which kinda made me feel a bit cheap.
I wish I could go back in time and play this game (for the first time) all over again lol

I always think that about games I love when I've completed them :p I was playing this at my friends house and it was absolutely amazing. I thought it was going to be one of those games that was really hyped up to be nothing, but it's the opposite.
Finished this yesterday. Really took my time with it and ended up taking me 15 hours.

Have already started going back through again on Hard. Some things I still missed first time around!
I am still enjoying it but I do also find it a bit tedious at times. It's very uncharted whereby you move to a new area and oh look there is a roving band of enemies in the same area just when you thought it was quiet. Then commence a game of stealth outflank hide and seek.
The story is pretty good though and is what is keeping me going.
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