The Little Mermaid (05/2023) live-action Disney remake

so if you stick a copy of the original animated dvd into a dvd player and play it, it will be altered with live action and different cast members? Wow, Disney has seriously upped the tech game here.

Don't you know? When a new film comes out you must watch it and wipe the existence for the cartoon from your memory. No space for different films in the brain!
Currently there is a short clip on Twitter which has been redone by an AI software and it has replaced the original actress with an AI-generated white woman with red hair (to match the animated film) and it's caused all manner of ructions on Twitter with the original poster being banned. The general consensus is that, whilst the clip was originally posted by someone who does lots of clips with AI changing various things just to show off with just how advanced AI has become i.e. being able to fully replace one actress with another of a different skin tone, it's been taken by a very vocal group to be a racist white-washing of a black actress, hence all the hassle of the AI creator and their banning.

This is just a repost of the video, not the original (and now banned) twitter account -

For me it's a great example of how far AI has come, with a potential (if unlikely) future where you could have a new film made and AI could replace any/all the actors/actresses with someone completely different (dead or alive) to suit different markets across the world (assuming the actors would allow their likeness to be used) or having an old film redone to replace old stars with different "new" stars so replacing Bogart with De Caprio in Casablanca etc
I was pretty sure the Little Mermaid remake was already out, due around the same time as the Aladdin remake (2019) or the Mulan remake (2020), but obviously I have mis-remembered. I will still watch it for kicks. Beauty and the Beast (2017) is my favourite remake so far though.

Not a remake, but the Disney film I'm looking forwards most to is Disenchanted, the sequel to Enchanted and will star Amy Adams again as Giselle. Due for release on 24.11.2022, unless that has been changed too.

Other remakes I'm looking forwards to, which are confirmed, but no dates as yet:

Lilo & Stitch
Snow White
The Sword in the Stone
Tink (as in Tinker Bell)
Peter Pan and Wendy
Did not know this! Ill add that to my list.
Haha that AI thing is pretty meta - people so annoyed that a black character who used to be white has been race swapped back again in a technology demonstration that they had to ban whoever did it? What a time to be alive :p.

Will be really interesting to see how AI image / Video Generation develops in coming years, I think some of the image generators alone have been pretty stunning... Tbh I could imagine the ability to completely replace one actor with another actor becoming pretty commonplace. Star wars did it the 'old fashioned' CGI way with Carrier Fisher and the other dude, can well imagine that in future it'll just the the press of a button and several hours of processing...

Well she certainly looked a damn sight better as Belle than the Hogwarts kid! (Hermione)
How dare you! Used to fancy her as Hermione, she was beautiful to my eyes!

And yes, before you ask she is a couple of years older than me so it was age appropriate when the films came out :p.
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Haha that AI thing is pretty meta - people so annoyed that a black character who used to be white has been race swapped back again in a technology demonstration that they had to ban whoever did it? What a time to be alive :p.
I know it's not like they race swapped nelson mandela or something... context doesn't even matter though because peoples brains have reverted back to simple tribal logic

with us good, against us = bad.

Now we know how the witch purges happened int he past and how people went along with it, also shows us how racism in America must have been when they were fighting to eradicate slavery.

the only thing that changed is now it's pretty much reversed
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edit: Removed. Fair point above

Still a weird YouTube channel, but without watching the videos it's not fair to judge.

The AI stuff is weird. And there's still a long time till the film is released for the hate to increase.

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Seriously though it must be so grim being conservative and having to pretend you care about inane stuff like this, all the big conservative alpha daddy's losing the plot over a black mermaid from a film based on a gay mans love letter... just amazing stuff tbh

That said im fairly sure the film will be absolute trash but it will have nothing to do with the casting
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edit: Removed. Fair point above

Still a weird YouTube channel, but without watching the videos it's not fair to judge.
The channel is just a pair of dudes ripping on stuff, it's a fun bit of light entertainment - they occasionally touch on more serious stuff. Nowadays sad and desperate posters just seem to carry little personal insults over into other threads, as I said folks need to grow up.
The AI stuff is weird. And there's still a long time till the film is released for the hate to increase.

it's pretty mental what AI can do currently, there is some pretty amazing Ai-generated art floating around. It probably won't be too long until the big comic companies are just using AI for books rather than real people.
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Seriously though it must be so grim being conservative and having to pretend you care about inane stuff like this,

If this is their reaction when, as you say, they are only "pretending" to care, I'd hate to see what someone whose conservative will do over something they actually care about.

That said im fairly sure the film will be absolute trash but it will have nothing to do with the casting

I 100% agree with you here!
Why would a mermaid have that colour skin pigmentation when the ocean filters/reflects the UV rays of the sun
You're actually more likely to have a dark body if you're in the water and swimming free, unless you happen to be an apex predator or too big to be eaten easily by anything else.

There is far more to skin pigmentation than "UV protection", as albino animals tend to find out, skin colouration is an important survival aspect in wild animals. If you're a free swimming fish/animal in an ocean where there is any light then being a nice light colour is likely to result in you getting eaten, unless you're either an apex predator, or too big for the apex predators to worry you (or part of a swarm/school with so many others that are close together that your chance of survival as an individual goes up).

Hence why so many fish aren't in fact white...and why so many of the deep water fish are actually dark coloured, or indeed multicoloured (in dim light what stands out more, something dark/grey or white?).

I saw a comment from an author who wrote a story about "realistic" mermaids, apparently the marine biologists she spoke to when writing it made it very clear that a "light" colour mermaid of the "traditional little mermaid" type would be dinner for many of the predators (IIRC the author in question has a degree in parasitology and teaches it, which puts her on a fairly good level for understanding science, and she uses that to make a lot of her books more realistic).

Besides as has already been been said, it's a mermaid, you're already suspending disbelief in that this mythical creature exists in the first place, and can get legs by magic, so why does skin colour matter for "authenticity" (not to mention disney's Arial is not authentic to the original book, either in character or story).

Personally I don't expect to like this film, or ever watch it (it's not my cup of tea, and the other disney live action remakes have tended to be..bad), but then I also recognise I'm not a young child and not really the target audience of disney princess stories, in much the same way i'm not the target audience for a Hugh Grant romcon, or a Bollywood musical.
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Man? it's 2 dudes, and they are pretty funny. Bit sad that an adult is unable to stop with the little personal digs isn't it. Grow up a touch eh.

Ok, fair enough - I apologise for the personal dig.

I just saw the titles and it's the sort of awful thing that I think incels would have on their YouTube feed.
I just saw the titles and it's the sort of awful thing that I think incels would have on their YouTube feed.
Maybe watch the clip in question first next time?
As to the incel comment, they've ripped pretty hard on the more unsavoury elements of the redpill community in previous videos. First few times I watched a couple of their videos I thought they were pretty left leaning, different strokes and all that.
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Why change all the characters about. I just dont get it. It was made before and was fine, why remake it again differently.
To virtual signal to win brownie points while pandering ( in an insulting manner) to black people.

Typical second hand scrap BS being handed to black people by Hollywood
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