The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power (Prime)

I don't know what I was expecting, but people getting upset/annoyed that a female orc and baby got 3 seconds of screen time is pretty amusing to me.

I have to say, I enjoyed all 3 episodes. Maybe episode 2 was a bit weaker than the others, but I was quite tired when I watched it.

Looking forward to episode 4.

Poor attempt at hand-waving off legit criticism as "three seconds of screen time" - when another poor naraative choice that pulls people out of the World has been taken, I said they'd done well to steer clear of the "the message" in 1 and 2 and here we are with Orc Lives Matter, even though in Tolkien's morally unambiguous good v evil ME, they are the embodiment of that evil.

But did you enjoy the crying though?

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I don't know what I was expecting, but people getting upset/annoyed that a female orc and baby got 3 seconds of screen time is pretty amusing to me.

I have to say, I enjoyed all 3 episodes. Maybe episode 2 was a bit weaker than the others, but I was quite tired when I watched it.

Looking forward to episode 4.

I think you are missing the point a little. People don't say "great show but what the hell was that about". Its just one of many little stupid things that ruins the overall quality of the show and shows that they don't understand the source material or world they are writing.There were crappy bits in the LotR films but the overall quality was so good that they are blips rather than anything more.
I was honesty expecting about 5 minutes of Orc family time the way people had been banging on about it.

The crying didn't bother me.

From memory:

A boy cried at his mothers funeral (standard)
Isildur had teary eyes about a story where he blamed himself for his mums death and hadn't told anyone else his whole life
The queen had tears when one of her subjects slapped her for the death of her son in the Southlands.
I was honesty expecting about 5 minutes of Orc family time the way people had been banging on about it.

The crying didn't bother me.

From memory:

A boy cried at his mothers funeral (standard)
Isildur had teary eyes about a story where he blamed himself for his mums death and hadn't told anyone else his whole life
The queen had tears when one of her subjects slapped her for the death of her son in the Southlands.

And no-one cares because no-one was invested in any of those characters that died, or the ones doing the crying either. Which is why the unearned emoting is cringe. Take for example Soysildur, no-one likes this portrayal because he's just weak and stupid (did we ever meet his mother, how was she portrayed? did we get to know her so, we could feel sorrow for her passing?) not strong or heroic. Yet if Eowen has been killed, and everyone would have been affected becuase she was brave and strong and a great character. That's earned, in ROP it isn't - it's just crying.

I don't think really understand how any of this should work, you can't see the difference between how the same themes are potrayed in something great like the Trilogy, and something god awful like ROP - you just run defense for it anway.

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