The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power (Prime)

Crying is consistent with the material. Even in stuffy 1940's Britain where men don't cry, Tolkien's characters were often tearful.

And there's way too much of it in the show.

No-one wants to see everyone crying when the rest of the episode has been so abysmal. And here's why the crying was so insufferable - because it's not been earned, because the story has been told so badly, because the chracaters are so poorly written and unengaging, there doesn't seem like there's any stakes foir the aidence to worry about etc - you can't evoke emotion from an audience with poor material. There's loads of moments in LOTR when you can feel a lump in your throat, or the hairs stand up on your arm or the back of your neck, where the sadness has been earned because you're invested in the characters etc - this has none of those moments.

No doubt you enjoyed the crying.
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It's not "defending the show", it's pointing out that crying is very much part of the books so it would be hard pressed to criticise the show for including it, having previously also criticised it for not being faithful to Tolkien's work.
It's not "defending the show", it's pointing out that crying is very much part of the books so it would be hard pressed to criticise the show for including it, having previously also criticised it for not being faithful to Tolkien's work.

But you hadn't seen the EPISODE so you had no context at all, and as I explained there's a whole lot context required to understand why the crying is so unearned, unlike in LOTR where the film illicts emotion from the viewer because it is so well made, unlike ROP which ios very poorly written and suffers from a mediocre cast.

You've also said no-one can have an opinion unless they've watched the show...

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