The Man-Cave

Never seen this before and I want one! Only problem is a lack of man toys. Needs a drill press/mitre saw/thicknesser etc etc :D

Oh and your local planning officer must be an absolute friggin' star as many would class it as a habitable space!

So so jealous :o

Looking forward to the next installments. Personally I think it needs a basement :D
Needs a projector screen surely, almost the first thing i purchased for my new house was an electric drop down screen.

+1 for the projector.

The rest is EPIC, but films on that TV.... sub-optimal. Far too small. Needs 100+ inches for cinema effect IMO.;)

I'm running a 106 inch screen in my lounge and its brilliant!:D
This looks great, my only criticisms:

1) This needs a fish tank
2) Cable management: all those wires draped around look a bit untidy

Mostly the fish tank, though - a nice 8x2x2 ft Marine/Reef tank would do nicely. Get to it.
7. New Chair For Guests :)
Can I ask what chair this is and/or where you got it from please?
i got from a office furniture place only local to me, i would highly not recommended it. i moved back to my broken gas chair because it not comfy at all. after few days it starts to stick into your back (the curved bit) & had backache for weeks after stopped using it im fine :)

however bit of a teaser
Full Rig of SSD's Including the 1TB Samsung Evo 850


New Desk & Bookcase combo Ready to fill ;)

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Love the man cave, my parents had a similar summerhouse built in their garden, i wish it was there when i still lived there maybe i could have claimed it for myself :)
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