The Man-Cave

Good to hear your knee is not seriously damaged! Knee pain can be horrendous. PS when are you getting a 1:1 Iron man suit of armor for the cave?, Batmans armor will do just fine also.
Almost Forgot, Terrible quality could be bothered to get my DSR out Looks pretty decent at night though :)

Where did you get your chairs from pal and are they real leather or that fake stuff ? Other half is asking where you got your bedding from :-/ TIA
the stuff is real Cosco a few years back

For your other half the leopard bedding is Just a really heavy duty cover got it from a local bedding shop.. it weighs a quarter of what i weigh for sure, i remember carrying it around all day when we went shopping... never again.. i think it was like 80 quid or so about 10 years ago.

still looks new
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What an epic build ! so much envy right now I would love something like this , my 'man cave' resides ro me sat in the corner of the living room on a small ikea desk haha ...

I am looking to get a new bigger desk and better chair though , where did you get yours from they look nice !
Do you need a lodger? or want to adopt a grown man? I'm toilet trained and can stay seated at pc for long periods of times. lol.

Love this build good job!
Inspiring stuff. Top DIY skills there. I hope to incorporate some of your features into our home - I just hope Mrs Tattysnuc doesn't cotton on before it's complete :)

Great work
Can i ask what headphones you use? I also have the same external DAC setup.

AKG K702's their great though im considering get another pair from a different brand & switch between them.

i get bored, i love change :D

Router wise i'm now getting
wired - 170mbps on speedtest
2.4ghz Wifi - Speedtest 145mbps
5ghz Wifi transfer - 1.4gbps on video file

pretty good :)
I would love, love to do something like this at mine. It would solve a lot of problems with the wife!

Only thing is i'd be worried as hell about getting robbed, but I guess its no worse than the house at end of the day?

How did insurance take it? I'm seriously thinking I should take another look at this, i've got a small front yard that would be perfect for this.
I would love, love to do something like this at mine. It would solve a lot of problems with the wife!

Only thing is i'd be worried as hell about getting robbed, but I guess its no worse than the house at end of the day?

How did insurance take it? I'm seriously thinking I should take another look at this, i've got a small front yard that would be perfect for this.

some insurers would not go high enough, but you pay extra & tell them your security measures & they just price accordingly
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