The Manly Shaving Thread

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Bit of a noob to the shaving game, currently using rubbish supermarket own-brand disposables. Normally only shave once a fortnight due to laziness but could change with a nice shiny razor.

Looking at getting a Merkur based on the reviews in here, just wondering which would be recommended for a beginner (same question for blades too)?

Cheers. :)
Bit of a noob to the shaving game, currently using rubbish supermarket own-brand disposables. Normally only shave once a fortnight due to laziness but could change with a nice shiny razor.

Looking at getting a Merkur based on the reviews in here, just wondering which would be recommended for a beginner (same question for blades too)?

Cheers. :)

I would say the Merkur 34C HD is a good razor for beginners. On the blade front it might be best to get a sample pack and see which ones you like. Although the Israelis are cheap and fairly good.
Thirded. The Merkur Futur was my first razor but has a rather poor head design. The follow up was the 34C, which is quality in every way by comparison.
Cheers for the replies.

Going to order the 34C HD and the Popular Blade Sample Pack (7x5packs) from Connaughts now.

i cheat a bit on the shaving front. i give my stubble a quick run over with an electric razor first, then do the actual 'proper' shaving when i'm in the shower. it seems to do the trick. i can get about 3-4 months life out of one mach3 blade. and no razor-burn/stubble-rash :D
This works a treat for me, in the shower:
1. Wash face and rinse with Clarins Men active face wash
2. Apply Clarins Men smooth shave
3.Heat/wash blade under shower (Have been using Wilkinson Protector 3D Diamond for years) then shave. Not against the direction of growth.
4.Rinse with hot water
5.Pat dry and then rinse with cold water, pat dry and done.
Never had a rash or cuts (Famous last words;)).
Evening all.

I shave with a Mach3 and when I have a brand new blade it gives a good shave, once.
After 3 shaves the blades are ripping the hair out my face and causing a lot of razor burn, especially around the jaw line and base of the neck.

I watched that american bloke's shaving guide on youtube and the improvement of my technique, stealing my dads soap stick and badger brush, has progressed me to the stage I described above (before this I would get major burn and rash every time even with a new blade).

I have looked through the thread and decided I want to spend some money on a better shave.

For Xmas I seemed to get nivia aftershave balm from several people so I have enough of that for now.

I am not looking to spend loads and loads. Can I say cap it at £50-60 inc. delivery? I will spend more if you convince me it is worth it:)

I require a brush, some soap/cream/oil, razor, blades (anything I have missed?)
Any help much appreciated:)

I have a mate who's shaves with a cheap asda smartprice razor and no foam, the other day he asked me why do people use shaving foam. I said "to stop it hurting" he said "oh" :rolleyes: (he is like 21 too)


it Filters F-T-W ??? :(
i don't use "shaving foam" either, always just get my face wet with warm water then slap a bit of soap on my face (using my hands) and shave with that, then rinse face with warm water, don't see the point in all these foams and creams and oils and hot and cold water rinses and warming or cooling the blade and have never had a shaving problem lol
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Some people bother with all the gubbins because without them they do have problems. Others simply enjoy the experience of a good shave you have taken your time over and made a real effort to enjoy the luxury of.
i don't use "shaving foam" either, always just get my face wet with warm water then slap a bit of soap on my face (using my hands) and shave with that, then rinse face with warm water, don't see the point in all these foams and creams and oils and hot and cold water rinses and warming or cooling the blade and have never had a shaving problem lol

just depends on your skin, i have very sensitive skin so if i dont take care i get very bad swelling and a real feeling of discomfort....its like there is an extra layer ontop like you have had an injection from the dentist and it makes your skin numb.

using the tips posted in this thread has made a massive difference for i can shave without the swelling and feelings of discomfort.

now i normally go by this order.

bath/shower with hair conditioner on beard
proraso pre-shave cream
taylor of bond street shaving cream with badger brush
merkur futur with platinum razor blade(i think its called platinum)
proraso pre-shave cream (helps cool down the skin after a shave)
cant remember the name of the aftershave balm i use.

i get a very smooth shave and my skin feels pretty good too.
Well, finally took the plunge and have my Merkur 34c on order :).

Been using electric shavers for years, but it's been taking longer and longer. Looked into getting new heads, but for £40? yeah, right.
First shave with Merkur 38C this evening: from inch long hair to silky smooth in 10 minutes. No rash and surprisingly quicker than shaving with my Mach III Fusion Power or whatever it's called. Can't recommend it enough. Also, there is nothing better than badger. Badger brushes feel so decadent.
personally i have a shower/use a flannel with warm water to make my skin soft
shaving gel and shave (Wilkinson Protector 3D Diamond at the mo also)
rinse with warm water, then with cold
so long as you moisturise/use Vaseline afterwards to protect the skin and help heal

I found if i do the above it makes very little difference what razor i use (only real variable is that the cheaper ones take longer to shave)
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