**The Mental Health Thread**

Escitalopram has one of the lowest rebound risks of any antidepressants.

That’s not what the recovery sites say Escitalopram is one of the worst if not the worst for this. Medical sites claim it as low as does the manufacture but it’s a complete git and a lot of the time it’s confused with a relapse of symptoms.

Im currently experiencing this myself and it is horrible especially after 3 months basically symptom free….

This is what the Recovery village say about Escitalopram rebound….

The second phase of escitalopram withdrawal occurs weeks after quitting the drug. Unfortunately, many conditions that are noticed during this time fail to disappear on their own. Symptoms that arise during this time can be so difficult that many people feel the temptation to stay on the medication for the rest of their lives rather than continue the withdrawal period. Some of the symptoms that arise during the second phase include:

  • Anxiety disorders
  • Bipolar illness
  • Depression
  • Disturbed mood
  • Impaired concentration
  • Impaired memory
  • Insomnia
  • Irritability
  • Mood swings
  • Poor stress tolerance
Its the doctors. They are not at all helpful. I have been on the max dose, 20mg for 20 plus years!

I am scared of trying a different medication.

Extremely stressed at the moment due to work, buying a house and my bad back and mental health issues. Not a nice time. And all this on my own. Nobody to turn to.

I can understand my DR’s was little help so I changed my GP and since they have been great. Have you tried talking therapies or similar ? I found it helpful to just be able to talk to someone who understood what I was going through.
It may sound like a stupid question but can anybody tell me how they went about getting the appropriate psychiatric help? I've received CBT treatment a number of times but this hasn't helped. I suffer from a couple of functional neurological diseases which don't help my mental state either. I've Currently been waiting over 12 months for a neurological appointment but it's the mental aspect that is currently concerning me the most. Thank you.

When I was my worst and getting little help I went to AE and said I was having a mental health emergency. I ended up getting help from a team of mental health nurses at the hospital who were great.
That’s not what the recovery sites say Escitalopram is one of the worst if not the worst for this. Medical sites claim it as low as does the manufacture but it’s a complete git and a lot of the time it’s confused with a relapse of symptoms.

Im currently experiencing this myself and it is horrible especially after 3 months basically symptom free….

This is what the Recovery village say about Escitalopram rebound….
That information can be used for any antidepressants, including escitalopram, but the rates are much lower with escitalopram.
Plenty of research available to back this up. Usually more accurate than an American private recovery company.

  • Henssler J, Heinz A, Brandt L, Bschor T. Antidepressant Withdrawal and Rebound Phenomena. Dtsch Arztebl Int. 2019 May 17;116(20):355-361. doi: 10.3238/arztebl.2019.0355. PMID: 31288917; PMCID: PMC6637660.
  • Dhillon S, Scott LJ, Plosker GL. Escitalopram. CNS drugs. 2006 Sep;20(9):763-90.
  • Pelissolo A. Efficacy and tolerability of escitalopram in anxiety disorders: a review. L'encephale. 2008 Aug 15;34(4):400-8.
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When I was my worst and getting little help I went to AE and said I was having a mental health emergency. I ended up getting help from a team of mental health nurses at the hospital who were great.

Have you used the mental health crisis team? I'd be interested to know your experience/what you thought of them if you have
That information can be used for any antidepressants, including escitalopram, but the rates are much lower with escitalopram.
Plenty of research available to back this up. Usually more accurate than an American private recovery company.

  • Henssler J, Heinz A, Brandt L, Bschor T. Antidepressant Withdrawal and Rebound Phenomena. Dtsch Arztebl Int. 2019 May 17;116(20):355-361. doi: 10.3238/arztebl.2019.0355. PMID: 31288917; PMCID: PMC6637660.
  • Dhillon S, Scott LJ, Plosker GL. Escitalopram. CNS drugs. 2006 Sep;20(9):763-90.
  • Pelissolo A. Efficacy and tolerability of escitalopram in anxiety disorders: a review. L'encephale. 2008 Aug 15;34(4):400-8.

But this is all medical based research I can safely say from going through Escitalopram rebound a few times now it is very real and very horrible. Have you experienced it yourself ? Not everybody does but it is far more common than medical studies will have you believe. I have been on other antidepressants in the past and never had this before.

I find actual peoples experiences far more beneficial than medical studies tbh. What people actually experience when starting or stopping these drugs rather than some medical or pharma study saying what you should experience.

I know people from forums and recovery sites that simply cannot stop taking Escitalopram due to this rebound effect. Im sure it applies to all the SSRi meds but it seems to be a very common occurrence with Escitalopram.
Paracetamol, ibuprofen, physiotherapy, CBT.

That's all NICE recommend for chronic back issues, slipped discs (without nerve compression) etc. When it is severe and life changing, it's a referral to the spinal team for consideration of surgery.

The clinical guidelines say to not offer stronger painkillers like opioids . There any no other magic pills to fix this.

Sometimes it's useful to know what to expect that GPs can offer, as having unrealistic expectations can make everything much more difficult.

My GP prescribed tramadol and then offered morphine when I complained it wasn't helping (before any kind of physical exam). You're right in saying not to have unrealistic expectations, but I also think people need to advocate better for themselves when trying to get help.
Have you used the mental health crisis team? I'd be interested to know your experience/what you thought of them if you have

Yes that’s who I saw when I went to A&E they were very good for me. I don’t know if you can just contact them or not I just turned up at A&E and was seen by them. Tbh it was the fastest I had ever been seen in A&E…. Once I had seen them things seemed to happen like my GP contacting me and I had fast tracked referrals to talking therapy’s and a referral within 2 weeks to see a mental health Dr in hospital.
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Spoke to doc today. I am going to try and come off of Escitalipram and try a different medication. Will take a couple months. Extremely nervous about it. Bricking it to be honest as i am finding it hard to cope.

Good stuff hopefully something new will help better.

I found with Escitalopram the slower the taper the better for me. I was on 10mg and it took me just under a year to get off. Not sure what your Dr has recommended as you will be starting something new but taking it slow and steady seems to be the best way….

Have you asked about talking therapy in your area ?
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Good stuff hopefully something new will help better.

I found with Escitalopram the slower the taper the better for me. I was on 10mg and it took me just under a year to get off. Not sure what your Dr has recommended as you will be starting something new but taking it slow and steady seems to be the best way….

Have you asked about talking therapy in your area ?

10mg x 2 weeks. Then 5mg x 2 weeks. Then start a new medication.

I hate talking about problems face to face. Makes me more anxious etc...
10mg x 2 weeks. Then 5mg x 2 weeks. Then start a new medication.

I hate talking about problems face to face. Makes me more anxious etc...

What about via a video call (zoom etc)? I thought I'd hate it as I don't like being on camera, but actually I find it pretty good as I feel comfortable at home and feel more comfortable making 'eye contact' through a screen.

There are also some options via text based options via long form email, or text/instant messaging style.
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Bipolar illness
  • Depression
  • Disturbed mood
  • Impaired concentration
  • Impaired memory
  • Insomnia
  • Irritability
  • Mood swings
  • Poor stress tolerance

How i feel
Same buddy had the worst 18 months of my life . To top it all off my hair he started falling out in clumps , doctors put it down to stress. My life is an absolute train wreck at the moment
Escitalopram works for me, but I am on a very low dose. It was unhelpful at a higer dose so we stepped it back down to 5mg. Sertralin was really unhelpful. Work with your GP and find whats best for you.
In what way was it unhelpful at the higher dose? Ta
Couldn't sleep properly was the main thing, it also messed up masturbation.

Work with your doctor on this, before I took dailies was in a bad place and it took some time to settle on the right meds for me. Just work with your Doctor on this, they are trying to help you and if you cant nut for a bit then that's expected.
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