I'm kinda glad this thread appears as i'm in a weird state at the moment. I've been wrestling whether to see a doctor about it for a few weeks now or just "weather the storm". I've really struggled to explain how I feel to a few close friends and finally yesterday, my wife. The only way I can put it is it's like when you've had a few drinks and there is that filter and feel of nothing being quite real, except without the drunkenness. I can have days where i'm milling around work not talking to a soul and lost in my head to being really happy and talking folks ears off the next. I'm reasonably introverted in person until I know people well and am normally happiest in my own company with the exception of maybe 5/6 very good friends.
I'm finding myself thinking about my own death a lot, not suicidally, just in that how/when i'll die, that there probably isn't anything after it and it's all a bit futile, then i'll get pre-occuipied with a movie/game/drink and block it out. If I follow the thoughts through to the logical conclusion about my death and then no longer existing, I border on having a panic attack and feel violently sick.
I had a son 5 months ago and I wonder whether i'm just tired and worn out, I felt everything I described above for years prior to his birth but it's become more and more intense day by day. I was at work yesterday and just suddenly had tears in my eyes for no reason. Each day I come home and he's at the point where he's smiling when he sees me, then for about 30 minutes or so I wonder why I was so down, then the feeling sneak back before i've even been home an hour.
I've got a good job, I have solid sick pay, I know I could take time off "for my head" if I needed to but I don't even know how to broach the subject with my manager or HR, I feel like they'll just immediately assume i'm taking the pee and want some paid time off. My job is fairly independent, I work in an office but i'm left to my own devices 99% of the time, as long as I do what's needed i'm rarely bothered, they know i'm self motivated and do what's required.
I've rambled on enough and don't even know if I said what I set out to, feels better to get it "on paper". Now it's time to man up and go to work and put that smile on for everyone