The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot !!...

Gave it a run through again. If you watch the replay I get myself stuck (on purpose :p) in the wheel outside the bosses room, I managed to get out of it as it only covers a portion of the wall but for a while I was totally stuck, and slowly dying. Just so you can see what I was on about earlier.

I put that there to get people who run from the robotron, and having it so that the center of the trap isnt where the entrance is perfect I thought it'd hit people easier who are running. Didn't know it could glitch them out. :(

Gonna watch it now :p my puny little level 8 castle caused a lv11 to ressurect 4 times and use 3 potions haha!

EDIT: You waiting outside my treasure room for the timer to run out :3 that's really nice of you haha.
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Had a looooong fight, i'm talking well over 10mins in someones castle earlier, must have used about 30 potions.

Was the first time I'd run into Dr Bones and didn't handle him right, bugger must have had 30+ skeletons after me at one point, won in the end but what a fight :)

Left the guy a nice message, was a very good castle tbh, gave me tons of tips!
Had a looooong fight, i'm talking well over 10mins in someones castle earlier, must have used about 30 potions.

Was the first time I'd run into Dr Bones and didn't handle him right, bugger must have had 30+ skeletons after me at one point, won in the end but what a fight :)

Left the guy a nice message, was a very good castle tbh, gave me tons of tips!

Ugh still remember first time I met Dr Bones, his skellies have ridiculous health, now if i see a large group of derps I just assume there's a Dr someone close by!
Castle now level 8, come and have a try out chaps! Had only a few deaths in my castle so far, but added in a few more hamster traps and up to a whopping 5 rooms now lol
Just bought a room and its' layout is different to the picture :(

edit: actually a room I already had looks like the one I bought - looks like the pictures are swapped with the layouts for these 2 rooms.
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Just bought a room and its' layout is different to the picture :(

edit: actually a room I already had looks like the one I bought - looks like the pictures are swapped with the layouts for these 2 rooms.

Yeah, I had an issue with that too. Didn't have the room in my castle already though, was just completely different to the map of it :confused:
Picked this up yesterday and had a blast this morning. Up to level 7 now. Boy do I suck in fights!!!

Realised I need to make a point of killing off the dudes that resurrect asap as otherwise I just sit there killing the same guys over and over again.... Took me a while to realise that resurrection was going on :)
Been playing for a couple of days now and its pretty fun. I have had some success with defending but it depends of if the hero follows my distractions :)
I got archer to level 11 and castle at level 10.

my in game name is Revenuk if you want to add me.
I wanna fight Durrr, he sounds fun. :p

This guy is doing it wrong... LOL

I wanna fight Durrr, he sounds fun. :p

This guy is doing it wrong... LOL

lol :p

Working toward Durr now. Really is impossible to get past unless you are way higher than the dungeon level.
Aye, he's not too hard fight I found, he just takes so damn long to kill. I hit this guys castle the other day and he had nothing but Durrr at the end and maybe 3 mobs in between as he accidentally must have saved his castle in a revamp. I reached Durrr with pretty much 95% of my clock left and by the time I killed him and reached the treasure room I had about 20% time left.
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