The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot !!...

Closed beta, not alpha ;)

It'll have to go open beta before public release though (well usually) so still a few months off and I can see them resetting everyone, just hope they refund gems etc.
Closed beta, not alpha ;)

It'll have to go open beta before public release though (well usually) so still a few months off and I can see them resetting everyone, just hope they refund gems etc.


5. When will the game be released?

We don't have a fixed date yet. Every day the game is being built, (and unbuilt, poor designers!) modified, thought over, and improved. We are currently in the closed Alpha phase which is the first phase of testing. Then we'll move into the Beta testing phase, and finally the game will be released.

But then they have beta on the login screen. Conflicting information or what! :p

Regardless, best bet of playing this game anytime soon is buying in. Well worth it imo.
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Blimey the items you get from the blacksmith make so much difference, I've been seriously struggling do any castle in time over about level 7 (my archer was 11), promised myself when I hit 12 I'd get a weapon and armour...WOW, been almost walking 9's and 10's now.
I'm still finding the archer well under powered after watching knights slaughtering their way through my castle.
Blimey the items you get from the blacksmith make so much difference, I've been seriously struggling do any castle in time over about level 7 (my archer was 11), promised myself when I hit 12 I'd get a weapon and armour...WOW, been almost walking 9's and 10's now.
I'm still finding the archer well under powered after watching knights slaughtering their way through my castle.

Bosses just get stupid later, that's the problem I'm finding. I normally get to the boss room with 25% of the time or more left, but hardly ever get the loots :(
Well, 4 attempts at my castle, 4 failures... although two knights got very close. One missed it by 5 seconds and he accidentally ran past a skeleton so the gate was locked (although he had still ran out of time before he realised). Defences are holding for now :p might have to shuffle the rooms a bit though.
Well, 4 attempts at my castle, 4 failures... although two knights got very close. One missed it by 5 seconds and he accidentally ran past a skeleton so the gate was locked (although he had still ran out of time before he realised). Defences are holding for now :p might have to shuffle the rooms a bit though.

What boss you using?
Yes, I see that now :p


Edit: It's quite bad that it "publishes" the castle when it's mid renovation. They really should change that, maybe add a "Save" button when you're done so it applies the changes to the live version. Just saw your comment also, aye those Robotron's that you fought at the start are very harsh. It's a good position where he is at too as you can't get past him on the bridge, and he's being healed. You actually handled him really well, most people would have died :)
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Was looking through the maps available, saw one by a guy called Tac0, quite a low level, a few traps, and not all that many hero deaths when attacking. Get to the end and he has a freaking dragon. A Lv 7 castle with a dragon >_>

That said, I discovered that I could stand behind the gold mines and life force mines and the dragon would clip through it enough that I could attack him as an archer, but he couldn't hit me with his attacks. Three minutes of standing there and plinking away at him with my bow and he fell.
Didn't get the treasure, funnily enough. And it didn't drop very good loot either.

But then they have beta on the login screen. Conflicting information or what! :p

Regardless, best bet of playing this game anytime soon is buying in. Well worth it imo.

+1 definitely worth it just don't rely on the FAQ lol

Actually I've avoided their forums too, usually join in but just want to play - I'd rather use an in-game chat which we're really, really needing.
There's a level 10 CPU castle called Boneyard (or similar name!) which is extremely farmable, one Dr Skull near the end to take care of but dozens of nice farmable mobs. Easy enough for level 9s to start gearing up :)
Epic loot was just had. A level 6 castle, but the guy has over 1000 crowns and the loot was showing as over 5000 coins and 5000 jewels. I assumed it would be another "invalid castle" but to my surprise it wasn't and I made myself rich! Just need to wait 12 hours for the shield to go down and hopefully get some quick money again if the guy doesn't change his castle. It isn't even a full castle so only took a couple of minutes!!

How can you look at your history of battles? It shows who attacked you, but it would be interesting to see who you attacked and won against too. I can't see a way of doing that.
Getting the money to upgrade the chests is a pain, no idea how I'll hang onto the resources while I try and update the castle heart over the next couple of days.

Thought I'd try something different so went for the velocoraptor(sp) for my boss this time.

Watched a replay earlier, some poor soul only got to the first room and triggered everything in just the right order and got a world of hurt, only lasted just over a minute.
I do enjoy watching the replays, pity you can't share them :)
Epic loot was just had. A level 6 castle, but the guy has over 1000 crowns and the loot was showing as over 5000 coins and 5000 jewels. I assumed it would be another "invalid castle" but to my surprise it wasn't and I made myself rich! Just need to wait 12 hours for the shield to go down and hopefully get some quick money again if the guy doesn't change his castle. It isn't even a full castle so only took a couple of minutes!!

How can you look at your history of battles? It shows who attacked you, but it would be interesting to see who you attacked and won against too. I can't see a way of doing that.
Nice one! I've only found a couple like that. Most of the time I click on those they error out so I can't play on it, but you do get one now and again that loads and you gets sooooo much stuff :D

8 hours to wait until my gold storage finishes. :mad:
Yeah that blows, had the same problem. Had to upgrade both my chests then my castle heart 4 - which takes 12 hours. Basically pointless to play for a couple of days whilst it works, just a cast of popping in the middle and getting enough for the castle heart upgrade.

Watched a replay earlier, some poor soul only got to the first room and triggered everything in just the right order and got a world of hurt, only lasted just over a minute.
I do enjoy watching the replays, pity you can't share them :)
Aye that would be nice, I've had some hilarious replays.
What actually defines what level your castle is set to? I have level 8 defence things but the castle is level 7. It was level 6 for a while with level 8 Dr resurrect things, but then went to level 7 almost randomly.

Also, does anyone know what defines how long they have to complete the castle? Do the number of traps add to the time or just the castle level?
What actually defines what level your castle is set to? I have level 8 defence things but the castle is level 7. It was level 6 for a while with level 8 Dr resurrect things, but then went to level 7 almost randomly.

Also, does anyone know what defines how long they have to complete the castle? Do the number of traps add to the time or just the castle level?

I think the castle level might be determined by the average monster level (including the boss if use one), but I can't be certain. The timer however is set depending on what level your castle is, regardless of what's in it. Level 10 castle for instance could be 3 minutes with 135/135 defence or 1/135 defence.
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