The most disturbing films of all time

I really enjoyed Ichi The Killer. It was a bit of a shock, although quite amusing, when I realised which character Ichi actually was.

I thought Cannibal Holocaust was a pretty poor film but some of my mates couldn't watch it all the way through because they found it so sick, especially the rape and animal scenes. It's not really suprising the Director was arrested after making this film.
Butterfly Effect at the end (without giving it away) is one film that always make me feel ill! Those who have seen it should know the bit I'm on about!
Threads also really disturbed me, we were made to watch it during RE in School, i think i was about 12/13, my sister also watched it when she was my age, in RE, in the same School and it also affected her.
Ben, dude, I mentioned threads just a little while ago and managed to get a couple of ppl to go buy it.

Its been released again on DVD... scary stuff..
Oldboy for you dentist fans, there is an interesting bit using the "claw" part of a claw hammer, also a couple of unusual uses for a pair of scissors :eek: . The plot itself is pretty disturbing, and how many american actors have you seen eat the head of a live octopus
Hmm i remember the scene in robocop where the cop gets killed, that was a messed up scene, probably because i saw it when i was really young...

In terms of the most disturbing film i think it would have to be Cannibal Holocaust.
I saw "The Hitcher" when I was 16. I said I'd never be able to watch it ever again. I'm 33 now and I still can't watch it.

"Threads" almost drove me and my mate mental. We kept scaring each other with little "what if's? from such a hellish scenario.

Audition made me physically ill. I only saw that one scene (ankle saw) whilst channel-hopping and it was enough.

The cow chopping scene in Apocalypse Now has always made me feel crap.
Universal said:
Threads. Saw it on BBC Four a while back. Horribly depressing. Shame I didn't record it. The dated look of the film made it even more depressing for some reason.
Threads was a tad sexed up from what clips I saw of it.

I thought Battle Royale was a bit disturbing. EXCELLENT film, should be remade.
I suppose Threads for me too really, especially during the 1999 Kosovo conflict with the differences between US/UK and Russia (and the US wanting to shoot the Russians out of that airport in Prestina!! Thank god for cool UK heads haha).
I could see the whole Threads thing playing out before me in the news :eek:
Threads is by far the most powerful film I've ever seen (and i've seen a few)

I seem to raise its profile ever few months on here, and try to convince more people to see it.

Ok so it did stop me sleeping for a while and attribute to my bout of depression, but its a must see. :p
Constantine said:
Threads was a tad sexed up from what clips I saw of it.

I thought Battle Royale was a bit disturbing. EXCELLENT film, should be remade.


Why remade? It's five years old!

If you're saying an English language version should be made, that's still bloody silly.
Theres only one film that 'disturbed' me. I was 15 and a practising christian at the time and I went to see the Exorcist when it was first shown and it scared the hell out of me.
Of course I can watch it now and being a total atheist it means nothing. No film as ever come close to this for me.
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