The most disturbing films of all time

Mohinder said:

Why remade? It's five years old!

If you're saying an English language version should be made, that's still bloody silly.

Infact thats just beyond silly, I have heard rumours though that it's in the process of being picked up for a US remake :( :(

My most disturbing film would probably be I spit on your Grave.

Now thats just down right nasty in places :eek:

Ichi also ranks quite highly as already said along with the Anime.
Infact a good portion of Takashi Miikes films are pretty disturbing :eek:

It may of been due to my young age, but I when I watched sleepy hollow, the scene where the woman falls out of the iron maiden :eek:

I also find edward scissor hands a VERY disturbing film, I just DON'T like it, at all. I know a few people who share that veiw with me.

I found the whole 'never waking up' thing from a nightmare on elm street distubing too, gave me a few nightmares.

Oh, and lastly, the 'licking' scene from the exorcist shocked me more than I can remember anything. I saw it less than a year ago too!
A few of the most disturbing that come to mind are...

'Threads', 'I Spit on your Grave', 'The Last House on the Left', 'Requiem for a Dream'.
Films like 'Nightmare in a Damaged Brain' and 'Driller Killer' are pretty nasty but not really disturbing.
The 'Eyeball' scene from 'Zombie Flesh Eaters' is pretty nasty, again the film itself isnt too bad though.
Saving Private Ryan was disturbing to watch, one of my first war films I think.

Back in 1998 at the cinema, I dont think there was a sound made during the whole showing.
Scum is quite disturbing, seem to be two different versions of it, same cast and story, but different locations. Romper Stomper was quite disturbing in its portrayal of white supremecist gangs.
Constantine said:
Ring was 3 years old.

They didn't need to remake that either! All they do is re-do it in English, and usually water it down and take a load of the best bits out... an American remake of BR would suck. In fact it'd probably be even worse than BRII.

Plus it'd have no Beat in it.
If it's been mentioned already then apologies, but the most disturbing scene I've seen in a film is in American History X. You know, the one where the guy forces the other guy to put his mouth over the kerb and then...
DailyGeek said:
Threads is by far the most powerful film I've ever seen (and i've seen a few)

I seem to raise its profile ever few months on here, and try to convince more people to see it.

Ok so it did stop me sleeping for a while and attribute to my bout of depression, but its a must see. :p

I just watched this after reading this thread. Not exactly a feel good film but not as bad as I was expecting. Now where did I put my happy hardcore :)
Orange Peel said:
Butterfly Effect at the end (without giving it away) is one film that always make me feel ill! Those who have seen it should know the bit I'm on about!

Take it this wouldn't be a good christmas present for my mum. Is it disturbing as in violence or just weird?
Chojin said:
Take it this wouldn't be a good christmas present for my mum. Is it disturbing as in violence or just weird?
More as in wierd. But if your mum is anything like my mum it would be a bad gift because she just plain wouldn't get it :p
I really wanna see Threads - must get around to buying the DVD some time.

The film that disturbed me most when I was younger was some movie I can't remember the name of now. I think it was an Australian film and was about a couple getting stuck in the middle of nowhere and how nature turned against them. I think it may of had "weekend" in the title, but I can't be sure. If anybody knows which one I'm on about let me know :)
The most disturbing film I've seen is Irréversible. The 10 minute long rape scene in the film is very hard to watch, and some of the scenes in the film (especially at the start) are downright brutal. I've not seen some of the others mentioned in here (Ichi, I Spit on Your Grave), but they'd do well to be as disturbing as this one.
Curio said:
The film that disturbed me most when I was younger was some movie I can't remember the name of now. I think it was an Australian film and was about a couple getting stuck in the middle of nowhere and how nature turned against them. I think it may of had "weekend" in the title, but I can't be sure. If anybody knows which one I'm on about let me know :)

Long Weekend -
Davey_Pitch said:
The most disturbing film I've seen is Irréversible. The 10 minute long rape scene in the film is very hard to watch, and some of the scenes in the film (especially at the start) are downright brutal. I've not seen some of the others mentioned in here (Ichi, I Spit on Your Grave), but they'd do well to be as disturbing as this one.

Personally, while Ichi is a little disturbing, more of how it affects me is just that it's almost painful to watch. Some very unpleasant things happen, and it's fairly graphic, and it just has the ability to make parts of your body almost hurt while you're watching it :D

It's uneasy but quite cool to watch.
Constantine said:
Ring was 3 years old.

yeah, and that was a great remake :rolleyes:

saying anything about "The Grudge" will further invalidate your point.

stop being lazy and watch the originals
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