The MSI Neo2 Platinum Owners Help Thread

i have 1gb corsair xms pc 3200 cmx 512-3200c2 x2 can i still run in dual if i get another 2 sticks of the same with this board?? making it 2gb or is it better to get 2x 1gb sticks??
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slatey said:
i have 1gb corsair xms pc 3200 cmx 512-3200c2 x2 can i still run in dual if i get another 2 sticks of the same with this board??

If the sticks are single sided, then you can ( It seems ) run dual at 200FSB... If they are double sided then they can, but at 166FSB

MAllen said:
I thought Odin was the God of lightning? Can't blame the Catholics for lightning. That's a Norse issue. :D

As to your RAM puzzles.... that's just weird, but logical.

Act of GOD refers to "GOD" as being "THE ONE TRUE GOD".

Odin is a Norse god yes, but then, as far as insurance policies are concerned, then they must be worded as "ACT OF GODS" or "ACT OF 'X' GOD" rather than referring to a single "GOD".

Also, had I chosen that path, then I am sure that I would have had my paper work thrown in the bin before it was even read! :D
im going to anoy some people here. (trying to skip 3 hours of reading)

Well, say if i want to overclock to 215mhz how do i do this and only keep the mem at 200.

probem is i only have kingston value ddr3200 2x512, wont go past 215 on 2T which sucks.
if i choose "run mem at 200" instead of auto it doesnt make a difference.

anyone got an idea or two?


Edit - run the mem on 166. put the htt on to 240.
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I was wondering about this one, but can I use a ZIP250 on a SATA connection?

I have a couple of spare SERILLEL adapters from my NF7 and have now used up my IDE Lines on both the Mobo and the PCI IDE Card, and to be honest, the way I have the PC setup, with the drives where they are, a SATA would be just righ withotu me having to resort to moving drives about etc...

Anyone know ifits a safe thing to do?

I assume that it either would or would not work, but also have a sneaky feeling that it will kill somethign too, so thought I would ask first...

FatRakoon said:
I was wondering about this one, but can I use a ZIP250 on a SATA connection?

I have a couple of spare SERILLEL adapters from my NF7 and have now used up my IDE Lines on both the Mobo and the PCI IDE Card, and to be honest, the way I have the PC setup, with the drives where they are, a SATA would be just righ withotu me having to resort to moving drives about etc...

Anyone know ifits a safe thing to do?

I assume that it either would or would not work, but also have a sneaky feeling that it will kill somethign too, so thought I would ask first...


I would be surprised if it kills something, there is no power going back or forth from that IDE / SATA connector. It must match up to IDE hdd standard to even be of any use inside a system so there is no reason from that angle why it shouldn't work under SATA. I think its going to be a case of suck it and see? Not sure if anyone else has tried it. Would be worth googling for!
Zip250? Why on earth are you still struggling along with one of those? Replace it with a DVD writer. Soooo much easier to use, cheaper media and anyone can read your results. :)

Trying with that SATA to IDE convertor probally wouldn't harm anything. I guess worse that will happen it failing to detect the device correctly.

Alternativly can you not get a USB cable for it? OR if there is no official cable, you may be able to run it on one of the external IDE to USB convertors? I have a "SOHOUSB Easy IDE" which is very useful for slapping IDE devices onto any USB port.
MAllen said:
Zip250? Why on earth are you still struggling along with one of those? Replace it with a DVD writer. Soooo much easier to use, cheaper media and anyone can read your results. :)

I will ignore that.

I will just say that I already own more DVDRW Drives than most people here have, I also own a lot more PCs than most too.

I want a ZIP because :-

(A) - I have been using one for years
(B) - I just wanted to know if it was ok for SATA as thats my only spare line
(C) - My Ataris have ZIP100 Drives on them, and I have used the ZIP disks to transfer files to/from my atari for years
FatRakoon said:
I will ignore that.
Sorry, I wasn't trying to insult you or anything. I just find it surprising that anyone would still want to use one out of choice. ;)

If I was just trying to take the p***, I wouldn't of given you a constructive answer. :)
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Hi All,

Could you help me with the following problem please,

Got my K8n Neo2 Plat and Venice 3000+ this weekend but I didn't install an operating system just went straight to overclocking the board and using memtest86.

Bios 1.5
FSB 290
Memory 1:1
Vcore 1.41
Vmem 2.7

All looked good until I tried to install XP on default settings no overclocking, on pressing F6 and using the Nvidia raid class driver and Nvidia Nforce storage controller the install would get to the part where the system try's to recognise the SATA HDD Maxtor 10 300 then BSOD.

I tried a new bios 1.8 and SATA drivers from MSI, Memory, Graphics card and even with no Hdd and still getting a BSOD at the same place. It's a Tagan 480 powering this lot.

The gear didn't come from the good people at but a competitor who's technical support department were adamant that this board didn't use the nVidia nForce3 250Gb SATA Controller but a VIA SATA controller I hung up on the idiot, he wasn't right was he?

Do you think I've damaged the SATA controller and or the CPU? I was think about taking the lot back today.

Thanks in advance
MAllen said:
Sorry, I wasn't trying to insult you or anything. I just find it surprising that anyone would still want to use one out of choice. ;)

If I was just trying to take the p***, I wouldn't of given you a constructive answer. :)

Dont worry mate... I know you were not taking the Piddle.

The thing is that I have used my Ataris for writing music for quite some years now... Perhaps 15?

So, I have a fairly good collection of Music that I would liike to get from the Atari, to the PC, and the Atari software to write CDs, is just stupidly expensive, and, well, because of this, I have been using ZIP Drives to transfer my data to/from the PC/Atari as this seems to be the easiest and quickest way really.

Now, the ZIP250 has been in my PC for a long time now, but it has NOT been connected, and now I have filled up my IDE lines with HDs and DVD/CD Devices, the only spare slots now, are the SATA lines.

So, it was just a thought.
If you have so many PCs around the house, all with DVD writer, why not leave it in one of those? Access the Zip drive over the network?

Personally my main PC is tuned for gaming, and I leave my work stuff on a secondary PC. I don't even have a copy of Office on this gaming PC.

The main work PC is dedicated to SCSI, with mixtures of SATA and IDE scattered around the other machines around the house. A distributed network if you like.

I like doing this ways as it also adds a level of redundancy. All the work I do on my "Office" PC is then copied over the network to my gaming and email PC. So this means ever document I e-mail is duplicated round my house. Even if I haven't had chance to copy to backup DVD.

Darn - I even have a couple of old Win 2000 machines purely to keep some old scanners alive. Drivers don't work in XP.
MAllen said:
Are you using SATA ports 3 and 4? You need to use these ones if you are overclocking.

Hi MAllen,

I've tried it on all 4 SATA ports at stock setting but still getting the BSOD. Also happens even if the Hdd is not connected.
Hi guys.

I'm waiting to RMA this board. I just need one question answered before I phone OCUK. My CPU socket is very tight, it's difficult to remove the CPU. That isn't right is it?
I can't see why your using any sata drivers. (thinking you are installing XP SP1 or higher)
I have seen issues with Maxtors on the (esp the Maxtor Diamond Max 10) on the MSI Forums but BSOD without hard disk installed is weird. (and a pain to find)

I'm waiting to RMA this board. I just need one question answered before I phone OCUK. My CPU socket is very tight, it's difficult to remove the CPU. That isn't right is it?

Elaborate: with the lever up it should come out easily, but you have to hold it square.
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