The nervous wait to exchange....

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glad its sorted for you, sounds like quite a stressful day :(

now you get to properly look forward to the move

It was a very stressful week mainly due to the uncertainty and with a 20 month old daughter is was hard.

As you say now its all final we are a lot more chilled about it and now lucking forward to it.
Was due to exchange today as we've already signed everything.

Annoyingly the person at the start of the chain isn't replying to calls / emails from their solicitor.

Really cheesed off.....
I've been outbid on the house I wanted, I'm really gutted :( we entered a bidding war and I outbid the other party a few times but it went over what I could afford. Still, at least I've cost them some money by pushing up what they were offering. Swines.
We were supposed to have exchanged last Wednesday, but we suspect our buyers were having difficulties coming up with the funds for their deposit.
Received an email from our solicitor 5pm Friday to say this was now all sorted and we are supposed to be exchanging today with completion set for 10th November. Assuming exchange takes place today, its going to be a looooong week.
20th November is our move in day! 3 months after acceptance, the only issue with dealing with flats are the management company in between causing delays! We could have moved in sooner, but we thought we might as well get one more pay day as we're living at home, so it's welcome.
Getting close now,

Due to complete on Friday. I have a quick question about transferring the balance to my solicitor. They are just waiting on a revised redemption statement from Natwest with our current mortgage and then they will send a completion statement to us with outstanding amount needed.

Now this is going to be quite a large sum, £15k plus. Im getting a little nervous as its Thursday tomorrow and they said I will get this tomorrow and we can just bank transfer it to their account. Will there not be some fraud prevention that will delay this for such a large amount? I know with the faster payment scheme its around 2 hours but has anyone had a similar experience and sent via bank transfer?

Im sure they know what they are doing as they do this every day but I dont want them to be short and causing problems on completion Friday.

well good news for me - My Name change has been done :)

Bad new's, the house I had aaccepted offer on has gone to someone else :(

So Now I'm back to hunting but I have a AIP from RBS, and I'm looking for one every day.

I have found a candidate - However it is very much a fixer upper

1st and foremost - I'd need to switch the bathroom and bedroom 2 around from a size point, if I was to rent out room 2 (Though at this price I could just about get away with not doing)

2nd - No VM, so it'd be sky (boo)

3rd - What kind of cost would you say for this to do?
I can see it needing the following
Kitchen - New unit door, Paint and Flooring
Stair's - sand back and varnish
All upstairts - Paint and flooring
Bedroom 1 - Paint / carpet / Curtains
Bathroom - New bathroom, tile/ panel, lino, heated towel rail in place of raditor and paint
Bedroom 2 -Paint, carpet, plug sockets

The lounge I actually like how it looks so that's one room thats ok.

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All exchanged and completing on Tuesday. Appliances ordered, broadband ordered, removal booked for 7am. Just itching to go now. :)
So after the tenant not handing in the keys till Tuesday, I got to see the property yesterday and all was OK (phew).

So I rung the solicitor and asked to speed up the process so we can exchange, they responded saying that the gift from my parents needs to be confirmed by the lender.
At this point I laid into the solicitor and asked why she's left it till the last minute. She's had ALL the information for weeks now, why has she left it to the last minute.

This has delayed me getting the keys by another two weeks!

Once this is over I'll be writing a strongly worded letter to the solicitor explaining how dissatisfied I am with their service.

We finally exchanged today, completing on Friday 13th... how spooky.

Almost over now, then the real stuff begins
Getting close now,

Due to complete on Friday. I have a quick question about transferring the balance to my solicitor. They are just waiting on a revised redemption statement from Natwest with our current mortgage and then they will send a completion statement to us with outstanding amount needed.

Now this is going to be quite a large sum, £15k plus. Im getting a little nervous as its Thursday tomorrow and they said I will get this tomorrow and we can just bank transfer it to their account. Will there not be some fraud prevention that will delay this for such a large amount? I know with the faster payment scheme its around 2 hours but has anyone had a similar experience and sent via bank transfer?

Im sure they know what they are doing as they do this every day but I dont want them to be short and causing problems on completion Friday.


Have you already exchanged? If so, when? If you have it's odd for them to be doing it so last minute.

But either way, you should have no problem transferring the money if you go in to your bank. If you do it online there is a £10k limit per day i believe. (had a client transfer £180k in daily £10k increments before because they didn't want to go in to a branch/pay a fee :o)
All money went through this afternoon and they recieved it no problem. Got the van ready to start packing in the morning and just wait for solicitors to move the money and use get the keys!
Our move as hit an 11th hour hitch. Woke up Wednesday to a message advising the mortgage was all agreed so happy. Then receive a message yesterday from our broker to advise that a different underwriter picked up our application and has decided to reduce the amount they will lend us by £30,000 because we apparently didn't declare something on our application.

It turns out that what we didn't declare was a credit card balance that we will be clearing when our house sells, and the mortgage lenders own application clearly states do not declare what will be cleared by the time funds are lent.

Broker is hopefully getting this rectified otherwise no new house for us and homeless as we are still proceeding with the sale of ours.
Have you already exchanged? If so, when? If you have it's odd for them to be doing it so last minute.

But either way, you should have no problem transferring the money if you go in to your bank. If you do it online there is a £10k limit per day i believe. (had a client transfer £180k in daily £10k increments before because they didn't want to go in to a branch/pay a fee :o)

I did mine using Santander's telephone banking a few days ago and I was able to transfer £13.5k without a fee and it was with my solicitor in a few minutes. I had to be passed around a few people who all asked me to say the exact same details so they could be sure that no mistakes had been made.

I asked them what the limit was for such a payment and they said that they couldn't tell me as it fluctuates. They wouldn't even give me a rough idea. :p
Im completing on Wednesday after what seems like the most stressful period ive ever experienced. First time buyers they said, will be quick sell they said! That was in July. Anyway im looking forward to getting it all done so i can exchange on my purchase. Also looking forward to spending some of the change on a new bike:D
Well guys I've decided I have had enough of renting.

13/10/2015 - called a local mortage advisor booked an appointment
15/10/2015 - spoke with mortgage adviser, gave all my details: mortgage agreed in principal
17/10/2015 - 20/10/2015 - viewed around 15 properties
21/10/2015 - chose the property I want to buy after a number of viewings
22/10/2015 9:05am - made offer to estate agent
22/10/2015 9:30am - recieved call advising my offer has been accepted
23/10/2015 - met with mortgage advisor again; completed full application
PAID £699 to mortgage broker and PAID £180 for searches
Choose my solictor
02/11/2015 - recieved text message advising my mortgage application is successful and that the offer will be posted to me and my broker and solictor
03/11/2015 - received forms from solictors via post
04/11/2015 - took forms to solictors and PAID £300 towards costs and provided my ID

The house I am buying is as follows:














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