A whirlwind over last few days.
I tell solicitor I need to complete by 8th Dec due to tenancy coming to an end. he says feasible.
By coincidence, estate agent phones me shortly after to get update. I relay the above. He says he will check with vendors.
Estate agent comes back with shock news - the vendors want to complete 20th Nov (10 days' notice!!!) due to their mortgage offer apparently expiring. I know this is virtually impossible.
Solicitor confirms this is impossible to achieve, given I haven't received the contract yet, read his report, no idea what is included in sale, etc, etc. HSBC need 7 days notice to release funds as well.
I relay the above to estate agent, who then corrects himself in that it isn't mortage offer expiring, but the valuation survey (3 months validity apparently) and the date is 26th Nov. He asks me to check with completion of 25th Nov.
Solicitor says 25th Nov possible but no guarantees. Of course I want to avoid a re-evaluation but I am good to go if all my concerns/queries are addressed.
So from 2 months of not much happening, suddenly I could be completing in 2 weeks!!