The nervous wait to exchange....

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Exchanged! BooM! Complete 2nd Dec. PErfect timing, will be splurging out on furniture etc tomorrow black Friday.

grats I'm so jealous. My solictor seems to be as useful as a chocolate fire guard.

I even told my mortgage advisor that her recommmendation on this solictor firm was not what I consider good, haha.
25 years is 'take a view' territory. Always good to ask the sellers to pay but if they refused and it was that long ago I'd be cracking on anyway unless it was something really major.

Yeh, that's what I was thinking, the missus is panicking over it though. It is a bit annoying as all the hold ups seem to have been down to the vendor not having any documents for anything. It was concerning because he seems like the most anal old man ever and didn't seem the sort to lose paperwork. All his pans were hung up with specific labels as to where they go in the kitchen, lots of neat files and things stacked in his office etc.
OK well pushed forward now

Awaiting final descion for the Mortgage now I have my name sorted
Then the valuation gets done
getting very real...... Finally
Got our apartment up for sale as we want a house, so put it up on the market. We have found a house that we really want and wanted to put an offer in. Got a call back from the estate agent saying he may accept the offer maybe a bit more but need to get an offer on ours to go under offer.

However, when we spoke to the vendor, he knows our situation and complete day would be 1st April but can be doable if before. He seems very legit and I think the estate agent are just chatting rubbish as vendor told us one thing then estate agent the other so going to try and speak to the vendor.

I know it's the wrong time to sell, but is there any other way to promote more? It's on zoopla, right move and prime location. Put it on gumtree and linked the right move link onto fb. We are confident it will sell as its a new area, nice place to be etc.
Anybody in the Chester sort of area, I seriously urge you to avoid using a Solictor called Poole Alcocks. I've left messages with the receiptionist on Wednesday, Thursday, Froiday and today asking the solictor to contact me to provide me with an updated status. He is NEVER available when I call.

Guess what no call back yet!!!!
Doesn't sound good :(

From what I am finding out Soliceter's are the massive bain of this proccess :(

Mortgage for me is at the awaititng Underwriter Approval stage - fingers crossed they don't trip me up.

I undersdtand though you can reinstruct a different soliceter though at any point?

I'd recommend mine but there the other side of the northwest to you
I think I lose the £300 deposit fee I paid if I do that though.

Today I'm calling them and refusing to get off the phone until I have the information In want.
I found with my sale and purchase that a good solicitor are worth every penny. Ive used a couple but for my last 3 moves ive stuck with the same one as they have performed outstandingly.
Anybody in the Chester sort of area, I seriously urge you to avoid using a Solictor called Poole Alcocks. I've left messages with the receiptionist on Wednesday, Thursday, Froiday and today asking the solictor to contact me to provide me with an updated status. He is NEVER available when I call.

Guess what no call back yet!!!!

How odd. We have just used them (Kate at Sandbach) and they have been excellent. Always called back and very speedy with everything.
The thing is you have absolutely no idea what the reasons are for them not getting back in touch with you. Yes, it's frustrating that you can not get a call back for a few days but if, for example, he has no new information whatsoever to give you and has a stack of far more serious matters going on however **** it might sound you are not even going to be close to the top of the pile. Or what if him or one of his colleagues has been off unexpectedly for health reasons and there's suddenly twice as much work for everyone to do? Or maybe the receptionist is a moron and hasn't passed your messages on? It could be anything, but it's highly unlikely that you're being purposefully ignored.

I've been waiting for the go ahead from a client's lender for 2 weeks now, the guy rings up every single day practically screaming at me for 10 minutes because things aren't progressing. You really think i'm gonna prioritise taking that call over someone else?! Nope! And that could have been a number of other people dealt with in that time.

If you instruct someone else you'll lose search fee money and probably get an invoice for time spent depending on how much has been done so far.

Can't say i've ever had any trouble worth mentioning when dealing with Poole Alcock but at the end of the day, there's gonna be a problem at some point with every solicitor, it just might not be you who ends up experiencing it but you can guarantee someone else will. It's impossible to please everyone in this game.
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I'm not planning on switching to another solictor at all, it's just that since I have signed the authorisation forms and paid £300 starting fee almost 4 weeks ago I have heard nothing since at all.
Other that I single email I sent asking if the solictor needs proof of where my deposit came from, and he replied to that 3 days later.

Granted the receptionist may not be passing my messages on, but I find that ALL of the staff represent the company, not just MY solictor who works there, they are ALL responsible for the service levels.

Anyway still not heard back from my solictor or his assistant.

I'm hoping for a completion date of the 11th December, I wonder if remains possible, it's just the not knowing that is frustrating, especially when he is charging me over £1000 for a simple first time buyer mortgage.

The only other comment about them is that I emailed my mortgage advisor saying I couldn't get an info on the progress, and she replied with...

OK Lee leave it with me- I have had another customer call me about the same thing today about these solicitors actually.
They normally have lunch 1-2 so will call after 2 and see what I can do.

Will give you a call once Ive spoken to them

She hasnt been able to speak to anybody either and she has called up twice afaik.
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I wouldnt recommend changing solicitor unless they are utterly terrible.
I did this recently (look back a few pages) and it was an utter nightmare. I had already been offered and getting Nationwide to rescind the offer and re-offer using new solicitor took ages, they kept insisting on a letter from old solicitor confirming they had been removed but the whole point in me moving was they didn't reply to anything.
Eventually I got nationwide to nag the old solicitor directly and they eventually managed to get them to action confirmation.
However once the new solicitor was engaged everything progressed at a super rate. She used email as main medium, in fact I only spoke to her once on the phone, the day of exchange to confirm I was still happy to proceed. Rest of the time via email, normally responses were within an hour.
Since we bought our house I get about 5 calls a day from unknown numbers now. Don't know if I should blame the bank, estate agents or solicitors.

Should have got a PAYG and used that.
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