I'm not planning on switching to another solictor at all, it's just that since I have signed the authorisation forms and paid £300 starting fee almost 4 weeks ago I have heard nothing since at all.
Other that I single email I sent asking if the solictor needs proof of where my deposit came from, and he replied to that 3 days later.
Granted the receptionist may not be passing my messages on, but I find that ALL of the staff represent the company, not just MY solictor who works there, they are ALL responsible for the service levels.
Anyway still not heard back from my solictor or his assistant.
I'm hoping for a completion date of the 11th December, I wonder if remains possible, it's just the not knowing that is frustrating, especially when he is charging me over £1000 for a simple first time buyer mortgage.
The only other comment about them is that I emailed my mortgage advisor saying I couldn't get an info on the progress, and she replied with...
OK Lee leave it with me- I have had another customer call me about the same thing today about these solicitors actually.
They normally have lunch 1-2 so will call after 2 and see what I can do.
Will give you a call once Ive spoken to them
She hasnt been able to speak to anybody either and she has called up twice afaik.