The new Arsenal Club Thread - *No Spoilers & Read OP Before Posting*

You should be. City are just ridiculous. Liverpool got 98 points and didn't win against City. Not winning the title these days doesn't really reflect that much on you as a team.

If your team is playing good football, doing well in Europe and playing youngsters ie. some vaguely sustainable model then you should be very very happy as a fan.

Sadly there are still a contingent of the Arsenal fan base that are Arteta out.

Happy to celebrate when we are winning, but calling for his head for finishing second.
You should be. City are just ridiculous. Liverpool got 98 points and didn't win against City. Not winning the title these days doesn't really reflect that much on you as a team.

If your team is playing good football, doing well in Europe and playing youngsters ie. some vaguely sustainable model then you should be very very happy as a fan.

You still need to win something though. Otherwise you are basically Spurs. No one remembers "The Entertainers" apart from middle aged people like ourselves. All people remember is that Newcastle's last trophy was closer to Victorian times than today.

There will come a point where the players will lose hope. I think it happened a little with Liverpool as they never reached the heights of their 19/20 season.
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Sadly there are still a contingent of the Arsenal fan base that are Arteta out.

Happy to celebrate when we are winning, but calling for his head for finishing second.

Which is frankly ridiculous. Your trophies are a reflection of yourself and your competition. Would another manager have done better and won the league? Perhaps. But I would say there is as good a chance they would also do worse. To switch managers at this point would be frankly insane.

You still need to win something though. Otherwise you are basically Spurs. No one remembers "The Entertainers" apart from middle aged people like ourselves. All people remember that Newcastle's last trophy was closer to Victorian times than today.

Their will come a point where the players will lose hope. I think it happened a little with Liverpool as they never reached the heights of their 19/20 season.

No one really remembers anything. I don't remember who has won each of the past 10 years of the CL or PL. I can tell you City have won the league lots. Liverpool have won it once. RM have somehow won the CL a ridiculous number of times etc but I think you are overplaying how much people remember these things.
Which is frankly ridiculous. Your trophies are a reflection of yourself and your competition. Would another manager have done better and won the league? Perhaps. But I would say there is as good a chance they would also do worse. To switch managers at this point would be frankly insane.

I think it's ridiculous too. He's done a superb job.

But the example the Arteta out crew gives is Xavi at Barcelona.

Finished second and sacked.

Didn't they win the league last year under him too.
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I think it's ridiculous too. He's done a superb job.

But the example the Arteta out crew gives is Xavi at Barcelona.

Finished second and sacked.

Didn't they win the league last year under him too.

Thats a **** comparison. Barca are an absolute mess, the Spanish league isn't competitive for the most part so if you are RM or Barca then the minimum expectation is to win or come second. They also finished 10 points off RM this year.

In his parting, Xavi also made some not so thinly veiled digs at the politics involved in the club and how its an absolute horrorshow.
The fact that anyone could even suggest sacking a manager who was one win short of winning the title is absolutely crazy.

In 4 seasons we’ve gone from 8th, to 5th, to needing two more wins for the title and then needing one more win. There is simply no possible justification for wanting to sack a manager who’s team is on that level of upward trajectory.

Let’s be brutally honest here, if it weren’t for the 115 cheats, we’d be champions 2 years in a row
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Read a lot of people online moaning about membership and not being able to get tickets, not just red members either. All saying they won't renew due to the ballot system.

Think I must be extra lucky, me and the wife went in for 90% of the home games last season and got to see 10. This season we've already got tickets for the first 2 home games.

Anyone else a silver member but had issues getting tickets?
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For me the ball-ache is away games, I'd love to go, but no idea how to get the seems I need to wait for a game where no-one wants to go, which hardly ever happens, or would be difficult for me to go!
I've never looked into away games so no idea either.
It's some weird points system, which essentially means it's nigh-on impossible to get to into from scratch, there's certainly no 'how to' guides which is infuriating...not like the good old days :(

I have a ST now (after a 15 year wait!) so can't comment on how hard it is to get games, especially now we are doing well and playing good football...but as a silver member, IIRC that means your on the ST waiting list so get first dibs.

Red members I would imagine is much harder to get tickets, I remember last season I missed the deadline for a cup game (not included in the ST) by one day, and I totally could not go, it was too late to reverse the action and I couldn't enter the ballot as it was too late! I wouldn't mind, but they send a reminder that the ballot opens, but no reminder that it's closing.
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You need to pay to join the season ticket waiting list, think it's 50 quid and it's a 15 year wait!

Red members only have 3k allocated tickets per home game and I think there is around 200k of them, possibly more.
You need to pay to join the season ticket waiting list, think it's 50 quid and it's a 15 year wait!

Red members only have 3k allocated tickets per home game and I think there is around 200k of them, possibly more.

Yeah, so really might be worth paying the £50 to get the better chance of getting tickets, especially if you plan to go fairly often.
I never had an issue going before, it's just the ballot has ruined things a little. I think me and the missus do need to get on that waiting list.
I think there's a few issues;
1) we're doing a lot better and playing great football so higher demand
2) covid meant more STs now than prior to covid so less seats available
3) potentially the ballot - I assume this was put in to help ease 1&2
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