The 5770s are fine at 1.225v 1000 / 1300 Mhz with the Zalmans on high speed, peaking at around 85 degrees.
They outperform my previous 4870s when overclocked to that much.
On the stock cooler, they could manage 1050 Mhz @ 1.3v, but at 100% fan speed, which was far too loud. 1000 Mhz still required a 75-80% fan speed to keep the temperatures hovering around 90 degrees, the Zalmans are much much quieter and about 5 degrees cooler then the stock fan at 80%, but cant reach the same performance as the stock fan at 100%, so no 1050 Mhz for me
I'm replacing the Patriot ram with the 2133 Mhz Geil OEM stuff that OCUK has on offer next as it shouldnt cost too much after selling my current sticks.
The sound card will have to wait as its too expensive, and if spending that much, I would really prefer to wait for a decent all in one gaming and recording soundcard like the X-Fi Elite Pro to be released on PCI-E, but no one has made one yet
I have 6 x 12 cm fans cooling the thing, 5 blue ones that you can see, and a plain intake one at the front. I couldnt fit one into the PSU / Hard Drive space because all my cables are squashed into there, but the PSU has a fan so its fine.
Most of what I have was bought on offer at the time - £85 per 6 Gb of Patriot ram, £58 for the 780 watt OCZ PSU, the Graphics cards are continuosly sold + upgraded, and just the Motherboard and CPU were really expensive
Here's a Furmark stress test result - 1.225v, 1025 Mhz, stable at around 84-86 degrees:
Heres a few nightshots taken with a better camera: