Ideally would be the X100-T with the sensor from the X-pro2
or the X-pro2....
Finally bit the bullet and bought a 70-200 f2.8 is mkii
The sigma 120-300mm f2.8 os will be going after I compare them both.
Still got a 35-70mm gap but I never use that range anyway
Bit the bullet is right! I bought one 3 years ago, my favourite lens for so many reasons.
Not cheap at all, but love it. (I paid £1800....)
It weighs nothing too.
Where did you get the rx100m4 from and would you be able to say what price? I'm after one of these over the weekend and if there is a bargain going somewhere...
I wouldn't quite go that far! How much did the Sigma weigh? Having said that though, I don't find the weight overly prohibitive, I've skied and trekked through rain forest with mine and it was no real issue.
I've been without having mine for nearly a year and it arrived back on Monday, I feel like I've bought a new lens. I forgot just how good the build quality is and how solid it feels.
Do you really need the 35 40 and 50?, all very closely packed? I know 40 is a macro lens but personally I would have gone with the 85 DX micronikkor to get more working distance. but of course it is all use-case related. the 40mm works better for still life, the 85mm would work better for insects.
As for me, I just ordered the Sigma 150-600mm sports:
There was a $200 discount running out yesterday a= plus the US dock thrown in. Will put it through its paces. While I wait for it to arrive I'm going to hit the gym in training.
Stulid that looks really good, do you think it'd hold two bodies and a 70-200 as well as a few other bits and pieces?
and I think that will do.
No intention to fill all these holes, but nice to have the space.
Dividers are soft and movable via velcro.