Just ta quick heads up for the people wanting to remove crap from their phones. Before you drop the ROM onto your phone, unzip it then go to system -> app and all the applications are in there. Simply delete the ones you don't want and re-zip the folder and install. Saves you downloading programs to do it for you and it's easier this way imo.
doesnt work it says i delete them but they just stay there.
I'm guess you've got as far as finding the correct directory?
You have then selected an app and held your finger on the app which has then brought up a list of actions. You've hit delete but nothing has happened?
Unless the file manager has asked you for root or Super User access, and you've allowed it to, it won't be able to delete anything.
A way to test, is to go to your app draw, hit super user. It should display a list of apps that you've granted super user permissions for. If your file manager isn't there then that is the problem.
I don't know anything about the one you are using, but i bought Root Explorer from the market place for £2.50 and it did the job straight away, whereas the other one i tried failed.
that's what i did with my previous ROM, but it's difficult when apps have obscure names or you aren't sure what they are.
On Jelly fish i got down to 50 apps, that i thought were worth while or critical. Installed the ROM and the dialer didn't work, keyboard failed etc... and that was after looking up what was safe delete.
It takes standard headphones so cheapest you can find on the high street
As noted, they're standard headphones. If you need the microphone then see the modaco thread about a cheap nokia headset adapter that works.