The new Orange Android phone (San Francisco) £99...but a Question??

Thank you

Does the case get in the way of the camera? And what ports are blocked?

Camera is clear, USB is obstructed, volume buttons are covered but you can press through the case, same for power.

Headphone port is revealed but I haven't actually tried plugging anything in, the width of the jack might get fouled on the case.
Mine fits brilliantly :).

Well for anyone who isnt a member. Heres a couple pics I just took of my phone in the case (aweful pics im afraid, our camera was built by the flintstones....)



It's a HTC S520 Desire Leather Pouch, just search ebay for it, about £7.

Has a neat little pull tag at the back. Pull it and out pops the phone. Also the tag is magnetic so it's not flapping about when the phone is in place. Very secure fit as well, can hold it upside down and give it a good waggle :).



Hmm...My old Samsung had that weird flip cover thing..and i got used to looks massive though =/...

The leather pouch one..I already have it in a leather pouch but having one that fitted it better would be nice
right i know when i asked this before, i wasn't given a clear answer.

what is the best custom rom to install? i just want the most stable newest rom (as this is for a friend and if it goes belly up they will complain). i want all the new stuff too, like android 2.2 or whatever it is thats the newest. i know there is no best but there must be like a top one, which 60%+ of the community prefer over the others.

this has like 20 to choose from a bit like going into playboy mansion and being told you can only choose 1 bunny, even though they all have slightly different things you like and are all beautiful, so guys fess up, which one is the most stable and new / fully loaded?

another question, when you install an updated/new custom rom, it normally deletes everything right? would there be a way to save email settings and contacts and stuff? or do you need to start from scratch every time you update it?

since this is for a friend and they would hate having to re-do everything every couple of weeks (updates happen daily i believe), i would probably be looking at updating it like once every 6 months or once every MAJOR update in order to not cause hassle if you cannot save all your data/settings.
Guys, is it ok that the back of the phone is quite warm where the battery sits? Normal? How warm does your San Fran get?
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