The new Orange Android phone (San Francisco) £99...but a Question??

smashing phone for the price, had it a couple of weeks now, and would love to get the Orange sw off of it and flash to a nice clean install but a little confused on a couple of things (excuse my ignorance)

1. does the phone need to be unlocked before it can be flashed with a new rom?

2. are there any idiots guides out there to rooting the phone, bit of a newb and having spent a good few days researching it many of the guides and videos seem to conflict with themselves (this may have something to do with the TFT and LED differences but, again, not too sure).

3. what would be a good ROM to flash too, think i read that this phone is running android 2.1, but many have moved onto 2.2.

4. before flashing the phone, does it need to be reset to factory settings

5. Ive paid for a couple of apps off of the marketplace. after flashing, if i downloaded them again would they be trial version or remain as my paid for apps?

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Some guy has just put a new site together, it seems to cover the 'how to' fairly easy.
The how to guides are far top left menu.

As for the rom, its upto you. If you want 2.2 then Jellyfish or Sebs (all listed on that site btw) are good, but maybe for you the de-oranged 2.1 would be ok.
Most will require full reset, but the apps are tied to your gmail account, so you do not need to re-purchase them once you flash. they will be listed in your apps on the market.
Some guy has just put a new site together, it seems to cover the 'how to' fairly easy.
The how to guides are far top left menu.

As for the rom, its upto you. If you want 2.2 then Jellyfish or Sebs (all listed on that site btw) are good, but maybe for you the de-oranged 2.1 would be ok.
Most will require full reset, but the apps are tied to your gmail account, so you do not need to re-purchase them once you flash. they will be listed in your apps on the market.

thanks mate, great link, rooted in a couple of mins. that guide is a lot easier to follow.. :)
The only had the phone few weeks an was kind of hoping for the money the screen would last ok, but not sure how as the phone as only been in my pocket but iv gone and got a couple of small scratches on the screen. Yeah i know my fault for not putting a screen protector on there.

The scratches are not that bad yet, when the screen is off i can see them as i know they are there. When the phone is on i can just about see them some times on dark colours but other times i dont notice them. On light colours i cant see them at all.

Phone still works perfect but me being me i want a perfect screen lol. Iv googled & couldnt find the answer so does any one know where i can but a new screen from please?

Also just wondering if any one has played "Eagle Nest" its a free shooting game. Im still running stock Rom. An finding the game laggy & an no responsive at times when i press the screen. An iv shut all other apps off. Just wondering if its just one of them things or its my phone?
had mine since release, its still ok, screens only get scratched if you have something else in your pocket like keys or loose change.
Those screen protectors on the bay are wel lworth the money, i really don't understand why you have not fitted one for the sake of £3.
Well for those that don't follow modaco, we may see new roms based on an official 2.2 build shortly, as the latest V880 released in China has had its kernel/os dumped.
From what I've seen mentioned on modaco, the new Chinese ROM dump is actually an older code base than the Japanese ROM dump most 2.2 builds are now using. I don't think there will be too many significant changes to what is already availalbe.
Those with a scratched screen... does it matter if it's OLED or TFT as to how susceptible they are to scratches? I assumed they would be glass like my N1!
Well for those that don't follow modaco, we may see new roms based on an official 2.2 build shortly, as the latest V880 released in China has had its kernel/os dumped.

Having a new official rom really isn't as useful as people think. Paul O'Brien and myself looked at the Japanese rom against the Chinese leak and there were no differences to the base system between them. The only differences were some of the ZTE apps updated and a new kernel (which wasn't compatible with our phones).

Any ROM based on the Japanese ROM has needed heavy fixing due to the restrictions that ZTE placed in the ROM. If you really want a stable ROM on your phone with decent battery life then you should only be considering MCR or my FLB-Froyo. Any rom that has overclocking should be avoided imho as they WILL reduce your battery life significantly.

Whatever rom you choose to install I will advice you one thing. Keep your phone on charge for the first boot and let it charge fully. Installing custom roms resets the battery stats which may be why several people report that rom x is giving less battery life than rom y. And be warned that Google Maps 5 will use a lot of battery.
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